DWELLING The Novel - Chapter TWENTY-SEVEN: Flatlined

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Today we’ve got a short one… which is good because Dorian can be pretty depressing when he gets like this. But don’t worry, sometimes we need a little calm before the storm. Thanks for all of your amazing support on the first 25 chapters! If you missed any, here’s where it begins... CHAPTER 01 You’ll also find a table of contents below. And now without further ado here’s...


Dorian lay on his back, his head hanging off the side of the loft frame. He stared across at an untouched canvas looming large in the center of his living room. Upside down the workspace looked even more depressing; a pathetic maelstrom of crap strewn just about everywhere. He could picture each step down from the loft, every muscle that would have to come into play in order for him to get to work. Instead, he shut his eyes and hoped that the solace of another snooze might save him.

Still in his bathrobe by late afternoon, Dorian sat alone at his table pouring Rice Krispies into an archaic carton of chocolate ice cream. As he crunched down on the brown ice crystals and cereal, a shooting pain shot from his molar.

Just what he needed, a dental bill to add to his stack of unpaid debts.

Finally ready to face the virgin canvas, he squeezed out multiple daubs of oil, but then got distracted by a picture on a nearby shelf of him and Althea at one of his early gallery shows. He leaned and pressed his palette knife against the glass front of the frame, covering her face with yellow pigment.

Dorian stood before a large blank canvas, staring blankly, palette knife in hand. Who was he kidding? He didn't even have a show. And everything he'd ever made, everything he'd struggled so hard to create was long since forgotten. Inconsequential. He was washed up before he'd barely even made it out of the gate. The Dorian Teasdale market had flatlined. He'd signed his own Do Not Resuscitate order with a stream of pathetic efforts that amounted solely to thousands of dollars in wasted pigment. He slumped back on the couch, tossing his palette knife onto the paint-splattered coffee table. The evening light outside his window slowly faded as Dorian continued to wonder just exactly what the hell he thought he was doing with his life.

The apartment was gloomy now. At some point he'd slid off the couch and now sat cross-legged on the floor in silence, still in his bathrobe.

His droopy eyes were focused on something across the room.

The giant cockroach slowly made it's way across the floor towards Dorian.

Dorian quietly spoke to the insect.

"Just you and me, now, Frank."

Dorian picked a Rice Krispie off the floor and held it out between his fingers, trying to feed the little critter, but even the lowly insect kept its distance.

Dwelling chapter Illustrations by the wonderful @opheliafu.

If you missed the first three chapters of Dwelling the Novel, here is the table of contents:



A relic of another era: my kitchen bathtub from the Lower East Side tenement apartment.

Have you ever felt so tired I can barely function? Can it ever be attributed to something you know you should get done, but really don’t want to. This is especially poignant when the work is self imposed. As an artist of over two decades I haven’t had a boss in all that time. So I’ve had to rely on self motivation, which is pretty easy when things are cooking and the world is giving you positive feedback, but when you feel all alone in the work and it’s been a very long time since you’ve shared, the strange form of exhaustion can be crippling.

A little livingroom painting.

That’s one of the reasons why finally sharing this work with you all is such a gift. Every time I come back to a chapter to polish it up before posting it, I’m energized by the knowledge that I’ll have your wonderful, thoughtful comments to read and reflect on and have a direct correlation to the work in the vacuum. What an amazing way to work. It wakes me right up!

Thanks for that!

Yours In The Chain,
Doug Karr

SPECIAL THANKS to my wife @zenmommas for years of support during the writing process, @ericvancewalton for his trailblazing, inspired collaboration and incredible guidance, @andrarchy for his mind blowing insight and friendship, @bakerchristopher for being an inspiration as a human artist and bro, @complexring for his brilliance and enthusiasm, Masie Cochran, Taylor Rankin and @elenamoore for their skillful help in editing the manuscript, and to @opheliafu for the fantastic illustrations she created exclusively for the novel's launch on Steemit and to Elena Megalos for her wonderful character illustrations. I’d also like to thank Eddie Boyce, Jamie Proctor, Katie Mustard, Alan Cumming, Danai Gurira, Stephan Nowecki, Ron Simons, Dave Scott, Alden Karr, Missy Chimovitz, my dad Andy Karr and late mother Wendy, and everyone else who helped lead me to this moment.


I am a Brooklyn based writer, film & commercial director, and crypto-enthusiast, my projects include @HardFork-series an upcoming narrative crypto-noir and my novel Dwelling will soon be premiering exclusively on Steemit, and you can check out more of my work at dougkarr.com, piefacepictures.com, and www.imdb.com/name/nm1512347

Please comment thoughtfully, up-vote and resteem and I'll gladly upvote your comments!



10% of all profits from Dwelling will be donated to Amnesty International.


There can be so much self-loathing when the creativity isn’t flowing. Irrelevance always seems to nip at the creative person’s heels like a pack of wild dogs (yet we often press on, eventually push past it, and grow). You’ve captured that so well here! Great work, brother. Was it common to have a bathtub in the kitchen in those tenements?

Thanks Brother! Yeah, I believe every apartment in the Tenement and many in the surrounding buildings in the LES had/have bathtubs in the kitchen... if the tenants were lucky enough to have running water at all. Crazy what we take for granted these days! Oh well, just gives us more time to wallow away in self pity when we can't locate the artistic muse. Ha.

Tooth pain, a breakup, and exhaustion... A very challenging series of issues to face together. That's interesting about your background, too - feedback is energizing, but without it, can face a lot of doubt.

Good writing, keep it up!

(I'm sure that if you offered Frank a morsel, he wouldn't stay away from you!)

I bet that bathtub made dinner parties fun! Where was the toilet?

I spent almost 10 minutes reading this chapter while i was drinking my coffee and i find each chapter more and more intense. Great job

Awesome, thanks, intense is my middle name ;-) Glad you liked it!

Hehehe, you're so fun too man. Regards

Greetings. Love this part.
Didn't knew that you are a painter too. Multi talented artists, your living room looks good, nice collection of book you have there. Cheers

Thanks @wa2qr! I got into painting when I lived on the Lower East Side. I haven't painted for a few years, but I'm aiming to do some Upstate this summer.

Yeah. But I think you should not discontinue painting. It's a gift to you and you must make the most of it.

Thanks man! I'm gonna redouble my efforts to get it going again.

Efforts are the key to success.
Cheers mate. All the best

wow thats good writing, can really feel for the poor Artist.

It can be so hard to motivated when sadness seeps into your soul.
The bright light of hope can be so far away. But we must push on towards
the positive rays and let them fill our body with energy.

That's so impressive to reading your these chapter. Impressive writing there and better to publishing whole novel book name called Dwelling. I know most world wide readers will buy @dougkarr's books.

@dougkarr, I have missed chance to reading last four chapters of your Dwelling novel with my busy private life. So apologize for it. Past time I've read your express writing chapters. I read these twenty seventh chapter completely now and then commented. Dorian acted amazing character there. Actually I guess you have nice thoughts created at night time. If I'm wrong please correct me. Finally I telling you that's brilliant writing chapter and will see another soon. Triple gem bless you.

Triple gem bless you too! So glad to hear you got caught up!

It mean I think you like to be @ericvancewalton. He's seriously know what I told.
Thanks your wishes,

Wow so greeting , great job .

There can be so much self-loathing when the creativity isn't flowing . You have captured that so all , great working .

Upvote you ...

And i am waiting your next update , thanks for sharing @dougkarr .

I always try to follow your post .

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