Interview: How did I made the shift from Social Science to Web Developer?

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Ovidiu RUDI: What are you doing now? (In what field do you work? What technologies do you use? What projects are you working on?)

Alex Spataru: At the moment I am working as a freelance web developer. Meaning that I am creating websites. The main technologies that I use are HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and WordPress. Currently I’ve specialized myself in creating websites on WordPress platform. Right now I have 6 projects I'm working on and sometimes I remember that time is not my best friend.


O.R .: What was your previous activity before being a programmer? And how did your life changed since you became a programmer?

A.S.: I could say that this is my first job out of which I’m actually earning money. I finished Social Sciences profile in high school and I have a total of 3 and a half years of experience as a social worker. There were times during high school when all I knew was going to school and being a volunteer. I worked as a volunteer in three fields, (sometimes) simultaneously: social field, anti-drug field and first aid field (similar to Red Cross). Most of the time I did social work.

Since I’ve become a programmer, my life has changed because I am on my own. This job provides me with everything I need; I work, I pay my house rent. If tomorrow I want the coolest phone, I work harder and I take it.

O.R.: How did you learned about programming?

A.S.: Since 2006 - 2007 I am passionate about phones and in 2009, when I attended the first HTML lessons at school, I fell in love immediately with HTML. Because I had no computer at home, I was very focused in class. When I learned that all I needed to make HTML was a text editor, I used my phone (Smartphone, Symbian, not what we have today) to study more and so I made my first blog using Blogger platform.

O.R .: When did you decide you wanted to be a computer programmer and what were the first steps?

A.S.: In 2010, right after I went to Poland, trough a voluntary service (under The European Voluntary Service) as a social worker, I raised money and I bought a notebook (not laptop). As soon as I bought the notebook, I started looking for online courses, so I started doing research. Although the program was very exhausting (to work with people with disabilities in a country whose language is not your friend, it's not the most relaxing thing to do), I was reading and doing something new almost every night.

When I saw that social work is something good for society, but does not offer me a very bright future, I decided to stop playing and learn properly. As soon as I returned home, I joined a web course lasting 3 years that I finished in two years because there was too little information for me.

O.R: What were the major obstacles/barriers to learn programming?

A.S.: First of all, lack of access to technology was a barrier, but my strong-willed nature helped me to get over this one. There was only pleasure. I could not say that the learning process has been completed or will be a never ending process. For now is just pleasure.

O.R .: How do you maintain your motivation?

A.S.: The fact that I was actual doing something kept me in "shape". A friend whom I met when I was in Poland (October 2010 - July 2011) gave me a chance to redesign one of his websites. He was a programmer, much more experienced than me. So I started talking to him, he taught me certain things and I’ve did certain projects. Of course, my knowledge was not so great, therefore I was not working with large projects.

O.R .: How did you get your first job in programming/ How did you start making money as a programmer and how it was to start working as a programmer?

A.S.: Unfortunately, the first programming job did not existed. In October 2013 I moved to Bucharest and tried to get a job but I failed because all companies were looking for people with experience. I remember that in December my sister made a sacrifice and gave me 500 euros. With that money I started my own business, I bought the .com domain I have today, I paid Google about 200 lei to have budget for AdWords campaign, I bought a phone (of course, something modest, just to read emails quickly) and I paid two months of rent.

Until February (2014) I did not have clients because I did not have a portfolio. Since February I started working on projects (meanwhile my AdWords campaign has been optimized) and so I started making money. There were contracts which have made me lose money, but very few because I tried as much as possible to maintain a balance between satisfying income and happy customer.

O.R .: How do you feel now as a programmer?

A.S.: I feel fulfilled. Everything is getting better and better. Except when it comes to taxes which are increased by 20% (year by year), even in my case (standard income was increased by 20%), without any explanation or without having something in addition. Mentally/morally I feel fulfilled. Financially speaking, I feel that a pretty big part of money are going on taxes.

O.R.: If you had the chance to turn back time, would you choose to do something else? If so, what?

A.S .: Definitely not. I don’t see myself doing anything else. I love what I do so much that if, for example, my bathroom faucet breaks down, I call the plumber to repair it, I don’t fix it by myself. Why? Because everyone should do what they like and be paid for what they can do.

O.R .: Some tips/hints for those looking to begin their coding education, which, if you knew, everything would have been much easier.

A.S.: First, those who want to start programming should never feel disappointed by this difficult path. Even if there are many types of tools, you still need 1-2 years (at least) to catch some experience. It's not good to dream that you will learn programming in a half year, nor feel lost if after a half year of studying you still have a lot to learn. I began to learn in 2009 and still learning every day. Indeed, this year I will attend at least two programming courses.

Use your smartphones! When traveling by public transport, when you stay in bed and get a bit bored or you’re simply wasting your time, you can study through PDFs, docs or even applications that are especially designed for this.

Invest! If you see on the internet a programming course, look at the demos and if you like how the professor explains, is it worth giving $ 25-50 for a course which over some time will help you gain $ 20-50 per hour!

O.R .: Alex Spataru’s activity can be found on the website


  Enjoy and resteem if you like it! :)  


Very interesting post my friend @djvidov congratulations, great information.
I appreciate your valuable time in visiting and coening my post, thank you very much

Thank you @jlufer! Keep doing good work. ;)

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