100 words 1 story ( Humans as earth enemies )

in #story7 years ago


Earth was at the verge of destruction.
Environment was being damaged.
Number of forests was decreasing rapidly.
Glaciers were melting rapidly.
Species of animals were at the verge of extinction.
Oceans were polluted heavily.
Aquatic species were fighting survival war.
In such circumstances aliens descended on earth as saviors.
They made environment better.
Planted trees, increased forests
Made oceans free of pollution
Stopped melting of glaciers
Increased the number of endangered species
And before doing all this!!
They wipe out the human race from the face of the Earth!!!



Only aliens can save us from the destruction we are heading to...

Hard Fork 19 is just the first step.. muhahahaha


hahahah Nicnas how can it be first step :P

yes! Save the planet, kill yourself! :D

hahaha i must have tagged funny as well :p

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@minnowsupport thanks and i have written tutorials about joining support project see it in my blog thanks

amazing post @diverse-thinker and it tell us a lot, very kind keep it up great work.
Good luck

thanks man :) for all your support

Well done! :)

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