DEFANGO DID 911 - Defango sucks file 001

in #story7 years ago

DEFANGO DID 911 - Defango sucks file 001

He made donations

Back at NYC HQ with an Update from the Mighty Quinn

Quinn Michaels suffered a spontaneous collapsed lung on his way to Roswell New Mexico after our trip to South Dakota. Are repeated threats and gang stalking coincident or indicators of something more sinister?

Recovering from life saving surgery, Quinn calls in to NYC HQ from his hospital bed for an update.

Truth behind Quinn Michaels, #thegame23 #tyler Fake Cicada 3301 and dangerous Dreams of Buddhist
5 months ago

The writing is in the walls and there where many gaps in his story that most people would overlook. After looking into the story we connected him to some very troublesome. The game goes all the way to brotherbox and Nox the leaders of the uncovering cicada wiki and reddit threat. They where threatening a 14 year old kid, hacked his computer, and other acts. Real Cicada 3301 does not do this kinda shit. Stay away.


911 Report on Nano Thermite

Tyler Exposed Quinn

First time defango talked to goodman

Defango and steele blowout

Defango the Rabbit talking about the files. Debunking Jason

Jason Goodman and George Webb Doxxed the White Rabbit, Crowdsourcing the Crowdstalking Truth

Where I got the Data from and my talks with Rabbit, Jason Goodman this is me putting up the cards

Doxxing the Rabbit, Getting Crowd Stalked by Jason Goodman | Expose the Truth

DEFANGO DID 911 - Defango sucks file 001


Much love Defango.
Proof is in the hard cold facts here.
Defango has been the designated target from the day Quinn started stalking him. (Seems like forever.)

Quinn joined JG’s crowd stalking campaign against Defango bringing in more of their deranged followers to help harass and try to stop his rise.

Why have they joined forces and come at Defango every time he has a great interview, especially the last interview?
Are they jealous of his work on the Zodiac murders, or are they afraid of TRUTH?

Thanx you so much dear sir @defango for sharing .

I saw your video. Your video content is very good

It was clear to me from the beginning that Quinn Michaels only started mentioning your name because he was jealous that you had subs and radio spots. So unless he could cut you down he would not get noticed. Jason, choose to do a hit job because he is not very intellegent he was jealous that you had communication with Kimdotcom and possibly Wikileaks. Jason tried to defame you live because he thought he could get Kimdotcom to tweet him and or George Webb. And that was the endgame. George already got Alex Jones and Steve Piecheznik to respond to him. Jason is not a journalist and he was trying to impress George Webb and whoever pays him. When abusing you did not get the attention of Kimdotcom they kept doing it instead to start controversy and traffic from your channel to their channel. Simple as that! The same goes for Robert David Steele, Jason wanted to use him for subs to and got into it with him as well and proved himself a person of lack of integrity if you ask me. Quinn just sang the same tune as Jason so Jason welcomed him. Also showing how ignorant Jason is by believing that Quinn understands AI and science and programming to such a high degree he pays for Quinn’s travel. It is all a very bad LARP and if it does not pay Jason’s bills he would not keep doing it. Therefore he is not interested and dedicated for the right reasons. He is a failed inventor from Hollywood trying to gain some sort of feeling of self importance of which he has none other than his stupidity, lack of ethics, and cyberbulling tendancies.

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