A Letter to Quinn Michaels from Defango

in #story7 years ago (edited)

A Letter to Quinn Michaels from Defango. I'm looking at you and saying why do you keep on attacking me and playing the same game as Jason Goodman? You have been on my case since your "research" brought you to my door. You said you needed help with your son and taking down a guy named Mr Dewity. You were talking about some crazy AI named tyler and a host of other things that didn't make sense. You have that crazy video with your kid. You said you were going to lay off but you really never did. Now you up on Crowdsource the truth doing your thing. I haven't attacked you or done anything but reply to your attacks with your own videos and responses.

Correcting your mistakes isn't a problem it's a solution. People look to people like us to understand the world but how can they do that when you are 20 years in the future about your AI problems.

I love you, I forgive you, Please forgive me.

I would like to work together to do things, but playing this character and narrative is not helping anyone. I have covered everything and kept records to show the people the truth behind the fictions you weave.

Chat Logs with Quinn's responses

Video Link List

You said I was the King Asshat, Where is my award duder?


Highly rEsteemed!

well said

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