What are you?: Always try to Lead by Example

in #story6 years ago


Image Source: Pixabay, cco

Dear All,

Don’t close the door behind you, someone else will grow through it and don’t brake that bridge cox you have crossed over, someone else will cross it as well soon or later.

There are those in our world today who believes that to live a successful life one must struggle to gain material possessions only for himself or herself. And a great number of people today are really struggling to make money. One expression that we hear often in this country is: ‘Chief so and so is successful businessman’, or Mr. so so has made it. Don’t get me wrong, making money is an awesome achievement, everyone hustle to have it, but do you use your materialistic or money possession to oppressed the needy or poor, some men uses position of power and authority to claim what are meant for public to be their own property.

There are some called “Big Man” who humbly themselves because they need vote or they need the power of electorate, but immediately they assumed offices, all their promises to their people during the campaigned is buried, and if any member of the society rise and remind them of their promised they made to them, such people are handle with iron hand, sadly some end up in jail for the crime they do not committed but are accused of, because they are stand as mouth-pieces to their people.

Some make money through means, and others through foul means. Many public officers and private individuals in the world today live as if their only reason for existence is to acquire very much property which will serve them as a bulwark of security in their old age, much less enjoy the so-called fruits of their labours.

Although a person needs a sufficient amount of materials possessions with which to enjoy a good measure of happy life, yet there is always the danger that such a person may be so much preoccupied with how much he will get, receive, make, and possess that he may ultimately justify whatever means he employs to archive his goal.

He may then live for his own personal enjoyment and for his earthly glory but for no values. In our world today, many of our contemporaries leaders live as if the amount of material things of life they possess falsely will prevent them from death, No!

Our newspapers are full of stories of people whose honour, names and respect have been destroyed because they were found guilty of robbery, murder, kidnapping or dealing with shady business as way of hitting the top ladder of importance in our society or means of being considered among those who ‘have made it’ in life.

There are those who use the work they do as the yardstick for measuring their success in life, but this should not be so, we must see our work as service to be performed to man and creator (God).

Some of politician go to work with an altitude, not a service, but of the acquisition of money as the primary aim in life for their own benefit without thought of people's (community) who voted them in, this made them to have a wrong criterion for their society lives.

If you are in position of power or of authority be careful of the ways you treat your fellow men’s or your society. What you impact on others speak forever, and if you chose to be selfish in your doing, you will reap your reward.

In Conclusion.

One of the things I expected Everyone of us as a human or anyone called a “Leader” or our "Politicians" should fear is that “your good did is writing and noted by peoples and your bad actions is writing on the rock, so that generation to generation can see and read it. One who does good or bad will be no more one day in this contemporary world, but their actions/deeds remain forever. Always be of good example to others.

Thanks for stopping by on my post.


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