Voiceless: Together We Can Give Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Good Quality Life. #Part I

in #story7 years ago

Dear Steemians,


Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC)
An orphan is child (0-17 years) who has lost one or both of his or her parents. A child is vulnerable if, because of the circumstances of birth or immediate environment is prone to abuse or deprivation of basic needs of life, care and protection and this disadvantaged relative to his or her peers (FMWA & SD 2008).

A vulnerable child is the one that with inadequate access to education, health and other social support, has chronically ill parent(s) or caregiver(s), live outsides of family care, institution, or on street), is infected with or affected by all manners of dangerous viruses.

OVCs Challenges

OVC are exposed to the following risks in our/your communities:

  • Malnutrition
  • Insecurity
  • Abuse
  • Maltreatment
  • Inaccessibility to Healthcare services
  • Lack of Shelter
  • Inaccessibility to Education
  • Hatred and
  • Untimely Death.

Our responsibilities are Needed

It is our collective Responsibilities to;

√ Provide Food and Shelter: it is a known fact that most orphan and vulnerable children suffer from chronic malnutrition and doesn’t have access to decent meals due to poverty and the prevailing circumstances. They mostly don’t have a place to call home, it is our moral and spiritual responsibility to support orphan and vulnerable with the little you and I have, so also to give them opportunity of living a good quality life and facilities their contribution to community development and nation building.

√ Protect them: the right of orphan and vulnerable are often trample upon because of their seemingly hopeless and helpless situation, they are sexually abused, use as laborers, etc. it is our duty as responsible citizens to protect their rights and give them all the necessary legal supports to help them live happily in the community.

√ Give them Healthcare and Social Support: it is obligatory to help Orphan and Vulnerable Children to have access to quality health services, access to clean water and decent clothing. They must be given psychosocial, emotional and spiritual support by community members, these will help to reduce mortality rate among orphan and vulnerable, build their confidence and enhance their holistic development.

√ Show them Love and Affection: Love they say can heal any wound, orphan and vulnerable needs our love and affection to affirm that they are important part of the society and facilitate improved self- esteem among them.

√ Facilitate access to Good and Quality Education: Education is the bedrock of human development, it presents wide range of exposure, opportunities, prospects and development for orphan and vulnerable. We should therefore facilitate favorable atmosphere for orphan and vulnerable children to have access to formal and informal education.

This will help orphan and vulnerable to live a good quality of life, contribute positively to community development and nations building.


In Conclusion: Let join hands together with them that working to ensure orphanage and Vulnerable get a better life; NGOs and Agencies around you. Safety and security don’t just happen, they are the result of our collective consensus and public investment. (Nelson Mandela)


Thank you for stopping by on my post.


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I like the message but what can we do as steemians? Please let us know. #charity #steemit

Thanks for your feedback @adamt
We can help OVC through donating of food to (Food bank; given them material and through join hands together with NGOs or Agency that are working in ensuring a good quality of life is given to OVC. follow up part II of this post for broad knowledge about OVC. Thanks

Re-steemed will be highly appreciated.


wow...very well post dear #davidad..
i love this post...& i love your all post...
and i like you all time....
I look forward to every one of your posts..thank you so very much for sharing..

nice job friend, I like your personality, good luck

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