My LEGO Creation Story Showcase: "Imperial Comm Station" part 29

in #story6 years ago

The station has been destroyed. Mostly. Abandoned by the Empire after the Emperor finished his secret project. Now it can be of much use to the Rebel Alliance. Unfortunately for the Imperial command they didn't dispose of it properly and now it is full of valuable data on the Empire's activities, even about the Emperor himself. Perhaps this is what will shift the tide of this war into rebel hands.

Rebels gather on the still smoking ruins of the station. The great tower has collapsed to the ground. It is half open. The Emperor's black throne can be seen as the tower was his throne room. Debris is scattered all around. Trees that stood for hundred years have been crushed by the weight of the concrete ruins. The once great station used by even the Emperor is turned to dust.

Along with a few of her best soldiers Princess Leia, or should I say general, is investigating the Emperor's private quarters, or at least what's left of them. The black throne is sideways as that is how the tower fell to ground. She gets a strange feeling and is suddenly attracted by the two trees that are on each side of the throne. Those are not ordinary trees, they are strong with the force. Perhaps Luke will know...

Inside the collapsed ruins of the station, Han Solo is digging up as much data as he can with the IT team. He approaches the strange black table. The table has some sort of a controller on the side. He turns it on. A highly detailed holo-map of the station and everything surrounding it lights up with bright blue light. Weak points are marked with red. He looks at the generators and gets an idea...

The following morning. Sun is shining and everything has an orangish tint. Leia has requested the trees to be taken out and packaged up. General Sato argues that they are meaningless and that they should just burn them along with the rest of this hell hole. But Leia knows that they are the most important trees that she or anyone else will place their eyes on.

On the other side of the station. Han Solo has taken R2-D2 with him to help him to blow up the station. He has consulted with Leia and the general, he was allowed to carry this operation out. The engines are making a strange rasping sound and coughing up a lot of dust and smoke. This should be easy. R2-D2 rigs them to explode and the both run like hell.

To be continued?

Part 28:


Very cool post! I enjoyed it immensely! ET loves Legos! One of my most favorite toys on earth! Thank you very much for sharing! I'm upvoting and following! :)

Thank you, I agree, lego is awesome :)

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