My LEGO Creation Story Showcase: "Imperial Comm Station" part 27

in #story7 years ago

The station is in ruins. After the Emperor has left the station was bombed. An elite squad of troopers was sent in to destroy the station one and for all as well as to retrieve important officers such as Admiral Veers. They did as they were told and two admirals of the Imperial Navy were rescued along with a few officers. They made their way to the randevouz point where they fought off waves of stormtroopers trying to get out of here.

They waited for hours. After the craft taking them to safety arrived they rejoiced but they weren't prepared for what was about to happen. The doors opened the admirals rushed in. The craft took a few shots at the tower making it finally collapse to the ground. Then suddenly the dropping door closed and the craft turned around. Three elite stormtroopers remain stranded left behind by their own Empire. The blue engines ignite and the craft is away in seconds.

On the second day a newcomer approaches. A handsome man with a large hairy beast standing right next to him. Who could it be but General Han Solo and Chewbacca. They look at the debris littering the entire premise of the structure. The dirt has settled and the air is breathable again. They volunteered to be the first to arrive to scout the wreckage for the Rebellion. The environment is safe except for a few left behind stormtroopers but they will be easy to deal with. They will most likely just join the Rebels.

Vader was called by his master the Emperor to talk about the "future" of the Galactic Empire. He arrives with his new shuttle to the docking bay of the Emperor's Super Star Destroyer the "Eclipse". He bows down as he always does and the Emperor approaches him with a chubby red haired man at his side followed by a stormtrooper the likes of which he had never seen before. The red haired man is revealed to be general Hux. He has been in charge of training the best stormtroopers in the army. He is what the Emperor calls "the contingency"...

Han Solo informs the Rebel Alliance that the place is secured and they come rushing in with dozens of ships. They quickly unload and unpack their things. This station needs to be researched and as much intel as possible must be extracted. What ever they were doing here must be critical to have the Emperor here for months. Some of the Rebel soldiers including Han Solo of course round up all the remaining few stormtroopers including our famous three "left overs". He explains that they can only survive by joining the Rebellion.

To be continued...

Part 26:


Nice post :) thx

Thanks for the support :)

Lego is an awesome thing. It connects generations, I'm 22 years old and Lego is one of few things which connects me to my 5 years old cousin. I hope one day, I will show it to my kids :)

Well said, lego truly is one of the if not the best toy on the market.

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