My LEGO Creation Story Showcase: "Imperial Comm Station" part 23

in #story7 years ago

The secret Imperial station has fulfilled it's purpose and now the Empire wants it destroyed. The Emperor has abandoned the first. After that the station was hit with star-destroyed cannon fire from the orbit after which Vader escaped with a small craft. The bombardment of the station stopped and a black-ops team of shadow-troopers was dispatched to the ground to surgically remove every witness and to destroy all the equipment and the station itself so none of it falls into rebel hands.

Rocket launching troopers are shooting projectiles at the station tower attempting to collapse it as was instructed to them by the general. The large glass window and the surrounding concrete breaks like an egg. Shrapnel and debris flying everywhere. The officer who first found the readings of the rebel attack is now lying dead on the ground executed without a second thought. Needless to say the Empire doesn't care about any lives...

The shadow-troopers are lobbing grenades everywhere and executing every common white armored stormtrooper and most of the officers. Some are specifically tasked with retrieving Admiral Yularen who is a very important asset to the Imperial Navy. One of the shadow troopers ran into the collapsing building scaling the stupidly small steps and finding Yularen and running with him through hell and back shooting all deemed unworthy of salvation to get out of the station and onto the platform where a shuttle will be sent to pick him up.

Shadow troopers are scattered all around. Some chasing stormtroopers, others rescuing important officers. One of them unfortunately made a wrong decision by walking onto the black roof of the right building. The roof was just hit with a rocket seconds before. Shadow-trooper casualties are to be at a minimum and the supervising general will not be happy when reviewing the recordings. If the recordings are not destroyed to keep the secret which they most likely will be. Needless to say he died in a stupid way.

On the other side of the galaxy Vader is in his new shuttle when he gets a call from Lord Sidious. He informs him of a very important matter he needs to attend to. One which concerns the survival of the entire Galactic Empire...

To be continued...

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