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RE: Reflections on 9 11 and the Meaning of Home

in #story7 years ago

My wife and I call each other our "safe place" which is sort of a term for home-where we can be ourselves and know we won't be judged. She is my home and I'm hers.

Regarding 9-11, I remember exactly where I was Ame what was going on that Tuesday morning. I was getting up and ready to go to physics class my sophomore year in college. A lot of people were upset that class wasn't cancelled that day as it was difficult to focus and there were ppl on the verge of tears during class because they were so upset. It was a turning point in this country in which we entered a whole new era and the false sense of safety and security that was common up to that point all but vanished. And the government used it as an excuse to steal our freedoms and rights under the constitution through the patriot act and the vast expansion of the NSA and their powers.


Yessir, terribly accurate.

I find myself talking to my children about things that used to be simple and drama free- like airports and flying- with the phrase "prior to 9-11..." It's sad how that one day changed so much...

It is crazy how different airport and other major facility security changed after that dreadful day. I know some of it is needed but some seems like it's gone too far in taking awar our liberties and basic human rights.

No one watches over them. They have been given free reign and they have run with it. It is disgusting.

Yep, as the old saying goes absolute power corrupts absolutely. Damn smurfs lol. I hate getting felt up....I mean patted down and irradiated every other time I fly somewhere.

I know some of them are probably nice people but then I've also read plenty of horror stories of people with some medical condition or the elderly or whoever being harassed and humiliated by some TSA agent. Disgusting indeed.

Or children. Smh.
A friend and I went to the airport to see another friend off.

We were not even flying but he was wearing a pair of shorts with an attached belt-they took him back because it was on the hot list.

He came back out super quiet and weird. Later he said he felt molested.

This shouldn't happen. I mean, really. He did nothing wrong and came out of it in visible trauma.

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