The Ten-Minute / Five Hour Steemit Post...

in #story7 years ago

"The horse I bet on was so slow, the jockey kept a diary of the trip."
- Henny Youngman

"This will only take ten minutes," I say to myself,

sitting down to write a "quick post" on Steemit.

The post is about using Steem Whales to track my Steemit progress.

Piece of cake, right? I'll just toss this one off...

Tossing off that ten-minute Steemit post...

Tossing off that ten-minute Steemit post...
Image by Peter Alfred Hess, CC BY 2.0 via


One thing leads to another. I don't quite like the first photo I picked to illustrate my article. Search Unsplash again.
How about Pixabay?
Google images?
What about Steem Whales itself?

Doing screen captures is simple, but I end up needing a dozen!
Keyboard shortcut; careful! Stretch that selection box... Make a folder; Rename the images.
Now I have to edit each one...

Save each image.

Organize them. Drag and drop, one by one, into the Steemit editor... No, not there, move it over here.

Oops, I forgot to highlight the key data point.
Edit image; highlight; save; drag; drop.
Save a backup copy.

Don't forget the image labels! Credit where due!

Sh*t! SH*T! SH***T!

I highlighted the wrong lines, Dummkoph!

Delete; screen grab; edit; highlight; save; drag; drop.

Spell check. Grammar check.
Pulse check?
Save a backup copy.

Is that text in the right place? Move that phrase under the image; reorganize those sentences. Make that a bold header.


Agonize over tags. Optimize tags.
Change tags. Rearrange tag order.
Tag, you're it!

What time is it? WHAT?
Is this a good time to post? Is there ever a good time?

Five hours after starting,

I finally hit "POST."

With an hourly rate like this, I have no place to go but up!


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Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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@creatr @creatr @creatr

I was really excited when I saw the corner of Tool's 10,000 days poster in your picture - turns out it's not you 😲

I can definitely identify with spending waaaaay too many hours writing a Steemit post as well. I'm trying to work on time boxing myself.


Thank you for pointing that out... I hadn't even noticed. Now I have some new (to me) music to try out. ;)

I just selected the image as suitable for my topic.

Thanks for visiting! :D

You're welcome. Tool are amazing - one of my favorite bands, but they're very particular about the albums they produce. They haven't released one since 10,000 Days in 2006.
I would highly recommend Lateralus; it's mind-blowingly good; who doesn't love a song based on the Fibonacci sequence?!

Fibonacci? Seriously? I will have to give that a listen! :D

Thanks for the added reference. ;)

Yep =)

"Counting between pauses, the syllables in Maynard James Keenan's vocals during the verses form the first few Fibonacci numbers, ascending and descending. For instance, in the first verse: "Black, then, white are, all I see, in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be." correspond with the beginning of the sequence: (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8)."

"It was originally titled 9-8-7. For the time signatures. Then it turned out that 987 was the 16th number of the Fibonacci sequence. So that was cool."


You're welcome ^_^

Let me know what you think once you have given it a listen a time or two - I find that some albums take a while to really appreciate their beauty; take Ihsahn's AngL for examle: it gave me serious headaches listening to it the first few times. After a while, I realised the true genius of the avante garde mix of Black Metal and saxophones.

I feel your pain! Many a time I have thought, this one will be a quickie. Then I start creating the images. Aeons later I am happy then realise I have aged massively. Lol!!

"then realise I have aged massively."
LOL! Now that's a long post! ;)

I have that problem too. I just started about a week ago, but i feel i have done a ok job. have gotten back a pretty decent feedback on my posts. i hope I have invensted my time on the right place.

I think you'll be hard pressed to find a better place to write these days.

Thanks for stopping and commenting! :)

in the end forget about all of that and try to have fun writing.

Thanks for the reminder... This is fun, isn't it! ;) :D

I have had all of those same moments. Mine usually involve an 8 month old baby getting crawling on my laptop and deleting some work or typing random letters and a few diaper-milk breaks to increase the time writing.

Hahahahaha! :D

I'm familiar with "random letter syndrome." ;)

Exactly everytime I write a post, it gets dragged one way or the another. But I like the end results ;)

Check out my posts here

Ah, yes! A true writer! Results do matter! ;)

So... Do I earn a follow?


very true, expectations and reality most often don't match for me.

Hahahaha... for me, they are almost always way different!

Thanks for commenting. ;)

Then in walks @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself.

Only five hours!

I think I need to work on my time management skills. Right from the beginning, I decided majority of the images on my blog must be created by me, from scratch. I've used a few screenshots as well, but that's rare. The decision sometimes haunts me. I think I forgot what sleep feels like. ...or maybe I'm sleeping right now? I don't even know anymore.

Ah, sleep... Highly overrated! ;)

And, why complain? Talk to @meesterboom! When he's done writing an article, he finds that he has "aged massively." ;)

Or talk to @johnjgeddes, who can help you with the "haunted" aspect... ;) He is quite an expert there.

You might even want to attend some of my Steemit Anonymous sessions? I really need to start them up again! :D

But where are my manners? Where is my compassion?

There, there, my friend. It will be OK. Take a nap, at least - you'll feel better! :D

My girlfriend knows by now that 10 more minutes on Steemit can become a couple of hours real fast ;-)

As does my wife!

I appreciate your comment!

Been there... many times. I still laugh at myself for the 1600 word post where I made fun of the 1980s Ewoks movie. Man I really hated that movie...

Wow, 1600 words? I'll have to look that one up... :P

I enjoy the Star Wars franchise, probably mostly because of being a Sci-Fi head since first grade, but (on some axes of the arts) I am not too "critically wired."

On others, i.e. particularly the literal science elements of Sci-Fi, I can be a real stickler... Probably a topic for another post! ;)

Your visit here is noted and appreciated! :D

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