I Believe I Can Fly!!! (Featuring @thegoldencookie as Author)

in #story8 years ago

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They say that your children will be 10x worse than you. For my brother, I really hope this is a myth. With two small kids and a third one on the way, he really won't be able to survive financially if his kids turn out like him.

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When Jan (my brother) was younger, his first of many idols was Superman. He loved the movies, he loved the idea of flying, he loved the suit and in his young mind the suit was the reason Superman could fly. So, of course all he wanted for his birthday was the Superman costume he saw in the shops. His wish came true and on the morning of his birthday he opened up his Superman suit, immediately put it on and went to school.

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Showing off his gift to everyone, he probably felt like the coolest kid on the block. This was not why he wanted the suit, he wanted to fly so when he got back home he jumped out the car and vanished from the sight of my mom and dad.

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I presume he tried flying from off the ground for a while first because the way the story is told, he figured that the reason why he wasn't flying was that he wasn't high enough. He managed to get onto the roof and fully believing he could fly, he jumped...

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I don't recall the repercussions of this action however, I do believe that this was the first time he broke bones in his body. This was also not the last time. Now about 20 years later his goal in life is still to fly. He started taking flying lessons about 2 years ago and hopes to be able to get his pilot license. His dream is to be able to fly a commercial airplane and be a pilot by trade. This dream will cost approximately 208,080.00 ZAR once he already has his private pilot license. The list of requirements can be found here .

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There are still many stories to come ;)

Till later

Don't forget to follow @thegoldencookie!!

@crazymumzysa features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. All STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author.


I seriously hope not... I was a terror growing up... if my daughter is 10X the trouble I was... I pray for the rest of the world... :)

I was no sweetheart but I was fortunately not my brother. I plan on sharing more of his mischievous childhood stories. Hopefully it will make you feel better about what you have to look forward to ;)

I have seen the terror my friends' children strike in them. It is truly amazing.

My brother's next idol was Macgyver. .. The fun stories have just begun.

I like it :) Reminds me of the time I broke my collar bone :)

Did you also have a superhero suit and how old were you?

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