UFO Re-Creation From 15+ y/o Sighting

in #story7 years ago (edited)


In this blog, I will tell my UFO story/ sighting that occurred a solid 15 years ago in rural Georgia just outside of Ft Benning, a large military base. These sightings occurred multiple times over a period of several months and involved multiple witnesses. The first image you see above is what I believe was the entire UFO structure lit up. However, that is not how it would start out. We will get to that.

My camera at the time sucked, and I no longer have the crappy footage anyway because the laptop I had it on got destroyed. So I will emphasize - these images are digital re-creations only NOT THE ACTUAL FOOTAGE.

When a sighting would occur it was always pretty dark out. We first noticed it one night when my mother made a trip out to the backyard for something (feed the dog maybe, or close the chicken pen.) This evening was different. She excitedly beckoned us out (I'm the oldest of four.) With much excitement we would see these big lights play "tricks" for us down a large power line clearing that ran adjacently to our back yard.

First we would see one light appear, like so:

Then that light would disappear, & we'd then see TWO lights appear, as so:

We would then see those two disappear and then all three would appear in unison.

Those would "blink out" and completely disappear. They'd always go through the same synchrosity from bottom left to upper right. The sightings would go on for probably about 15 minutes with a couple minute refractory period between showings. Sometimes they'd re-appear in pretty close proximity to us at approximately 150 feet. Most frequently farther away though and at tree level or higher. This could be gauged because there was a hedge of woods on either side of the power line clearing, running parallel to it. The sightings were always within the clearing. They were not always AT tree level, usually higher, rarely lower or closer.

Neighbors saw it too. One night my mom tried to drive to an area on a different street to try to see the lights better, but go figure they dissapeared by then. These sightings went on for a several weeks to months. There were other weird happenings around and following those sightings to include orb activity, of which I theorized were attracted to the electricity in the power line clearing.

We contacted the local airport in Columbus GA to see if they knew anything. They didn't, big surprise. Ft Benning had no explanations. Again, big surprise. This incident prompted me to read this book by John Vasquez regarding some really weird happenings at Ft Benning.

Very enlightening & interesting read. Based off similar semi- vertical light "displays" other people have witnessed, I defintely think we were witnessing a structure, particularly when all three lights lit up together. In the daylight, we drove four wheelers up to the area(s) within the clearing we thought the lights were thinking we may find some clue. We didn't. 😐

To conclude, keep your eyes on the skies folks. Weird stuff is happening. Lies abound & I hate to be cliched but "the truth is out there."
x files music in my head

As always, I would love to hear from YOU, my readers. Have you seen a UFO? What do you think about my story? Any other insight is welcome as well.
@dakini5d thx for encouraging me to share this story.


And this is a close up picture of those lights, take a good look at the colors.This is a zoomed in picture of those lights. And this is what i saw within 3 meter range, flying pass my home window, me and my woman saw it for 15 seconds, and i can tell you, it looked like magic!!
Unreal to be true, but i was looking at it with a sober mind.
I don't use drugs, i don't drink, and i don't use medicines, and we saw it.
And that was the object on this picture, the colors what you see on this picture is changing in a weird way. Thats what i saw with my own eyes, i saw the light is part of some kind of plasma energy in different colors, and the light came from the colors. It was the most beautiful thing i ever saw in my life and it made my stomach turn around, because i knew that it should not belong here in our reality. No shit it really happened.

Orbs are beings of light, you can just feel their energy resonating. It is so interesting. Thanks so much for sharing!!! Is it a re occurence or just happened once or twice?

I saw the first orange light on Christmas eve 2012, i thought it was a airplane with a weird light.Then in the following year i saw them randomly anywhere in the sky, but only on a clear sky. And i still thought nothing about them, in fact i was making jokes with my friends about it. I said look a UFO and then all laughed. Until new year's eve 2013/2014, right after 12 we saw a massive encounter above our neighborhood, a group of orange orbs fly over. And first i thought balloons, until i saw them fly intelligent, making moves and stop in midair. And they all fly between the firework, and then after 34 minutes arguing with my woman about them, because she thought balloons or firework, but not a UFO. I said to her, we can't say what they are unless they show a weird action. Then 30 seconds after i said that a object came directly towards our window on low altitude. It was a car size light and then it flies pass my window, it was the same as on this picture. SO what you see here is what i saw within 3 meter range, when it passes my window. We stood on a open window on our attic, and then we saw it, yes we saw it. It looked like magic, unreal and not from this planet or dimension. It was a plasma ball of light in different colors and we saw the surface of that object, it was a complete different light source then what we humans know off. It latterly made my stomach turn around because i realized while looking at it, that it was not normal. And since that day i was seeking the sky for answers, because i became paranoid, i did not know what to think of them, because they came to close. And because i have a family i needed answers asap. Then a week later i saw one orange light near farmland, close to my home, and since then i was going to farmland and saw them there flying around near farmland, trees, water, houses and electricity. They just appear and they look like stars with the naked eye, and i saw a variety of lights in different colors and all doing weird things, what i can't explain. And since then i came in contact with others who see the same thing, and now we are sharing data, information and experience to find answers. And till now nobody knows who or what they are, but i know for sure they are connected to us all in some spiritual way. So forget little green men in flying saucers, the real UFOs are something else. Forget everything from the movies, everything!! They are not dangerous and they are connected to us.
Now put this video on 27 minute mark, and watch the sky. Because this was filmed with security cameras in a city close to my home, and what you will see in this video, is what happened on the same time above my home 70 km away from Eindhoven.
Watch it till the end and focus on the skies, and keep in mind it's forbidden to fly on that evening.

So yes, i still see them, i film them and i observe them.

Interesting story.
Yes iv seen them, im investigating these phenomena for almost four years now, after we had a close encounter on new year's eve.
I got no idea what they are, but they are something of a weird light energy and they change colors, and have a advanced technology and are 100% intelligent. And im sure we don't have that technology on this planet, but i can't say who or what they are.

They stay hidden and are observing us, and have interest in nature, electricity, water and they hide for the military.
Here is a picture what i made on farmland, filming several lights in the background going to the left, i got more pictures of them on my page.

But the truth is, these phenomena is worldwide and im in a network of researchers who see the same thing, strange lights moving or hover in some area, nobody has a clue who or what they are.
They can be seen by radar and military knows about them, and in Norway scientist with students from a local university is doing research into them, with the best equipment.
So this is real and there for im working now on this moment to get more researchers to steemit, because now they are all stuck in facebook.
Some think steemit is from government or something, they have no clue.
If you want to know more check my page or youtubechannel.

They stay hidden and are observing us, and have interest in nature, electricity, water and they hide for the military

That is along the lines of what i believe as well in terms of these energies


Hi chelsea, thanks for sharing:) No, I have not seen a UFO...But I've had spiritual experiences too many to mention. I'll just note that even with the myriad experiences I still very much consider the atheist worldview. I call this objectivity. In the end, I am a theist, though, but I have complex and nuanced views on the subject.
My girlfriend in 95 told me she was abducted. That led to me exhausting the library for a 5-year period. From, Mack, Vallee, Strieber, I read them all (I'm an investigator (4-with a 5 wing in the Enneagram).
Phenomenologically real! That's my assessment. Very real experiences and people aren't crazy. Well, maybe there's some....
The metaphysical and ontological status of these beings? I don't know...
Maybe, of course, ​we'd all like some very solid collective evidence. I don't think we'll get it.
Back in the day, ​there was a Twilight Zone episode: the final scene? the alien had a cookbook in his hand....
But you wouldn't believe what my recent guests had to say on the issue...Or, maybe you would.

Roswell crash gave us solid collective evidence. Just saying. =)

Cool!!! i love this and would love to even share my stories ... mine are mostly strange atmospheric occurrences. I really enjoyed reading this article and i know sometimes its difficult to share let alone write. thank you for sharing.

@eaglespirit, I for one would love to hear your stories. Please share sometime

Pretty wild. I saw one years ago. My mom was driving us home from basketball practice, and she stopped the car in the road in town. There was an odd, cigar-shaped light in the sky, colored lights along it, red, blue and maybe green, if I remember correctly. It went across the sky, stopped, then went again really fast, and disappeared. Never heard a thing about it, but it was ODD. The fact my mom was with us, lent more credence to the event.

Wow. Those cigar shaped ufoz are common reported sightings. Thanks for sharing

Interesting account – thanks for sharing. I have seen a couple of strange flying objects. However I don't think they are from other planets or universes. I suspect they are secret military technology and that the military would like us to think they are from outer space.

I suspect most but not all to be military related as well

@dana-varahi and I have also had multiple experiences of strange aerial phenomena we couldn't identify, and know others that have experienced weirdness of their own kinds. We even have a video of one strange structure we witnessed. It could be human made, but we still to this day don't know what it is exactly.

Oh, I would love to see that video

Awesome! Probably the break-away civilizations version of Uber! 100% upvote and resteem! Thanks for sharing your personal encounters with us!!

Thanks for weighing in. And the support

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