Ever Wondered What 87% Humidity Looked Like?

in #story7 years ago


Yep. It was pretty hot today. Funny thing is, I used to live in Georgia for a while (about 90 miles SW of Hotlanta). The heat and humidity there were the worst! I moved up to Maryland and this is my second summer here. Last summer I was still acclimatized to HOT Georgia weather and thought the summers here (and people's complaints) were a joke! I have not been back to Georgia. This summer, I am clearly no longer acclimatized to Georgia. Today it was 88°F when I went running after work. It still doesn't "feel" that hot to me here because Georgia would be in the triple digits with 100% humidity.

So I just took this screenshot. It won't back track to the 88 degrees it was earlier but as you can see the humidity is 87%.

2017-07-18 21.02.20.jpg

I was like "damnit!" earlier because
A) I tanked out faster
B) still after 15 years of running, the effects of humidity surprise me.

I ran only 2.3 miles and look like I'm covered in baby oil. While stretching, I just couldn't believe how much I had sweated. Now it was a hilly run (even threw in some stairs) but still!

The heat SAPPED me. Just a shoutout, be mindful of the heat and humidity. In Georgia, I once lost 7lbs of water in one hour. That's a lot!!! Stay safe in the heat my friends!

*first photo is mine of me =)
*second is from weather.com


Wholly Hell that's a lot of sweat! Its winter here in NZ ( southern hemisphere ). I would kill for some heat right now!!

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Hot and humid here in Canada .... Ottawa

I feel you....literally lol. Stay hydrated!

Is lots of beer ok ?

Better than nothing lol!

We have too much lakes and rivers in Canada, humid summers can get pretty intolerable. Thanks to whoever invented air conditioning ☺️

I feel you... used to live in south central Texas, and would even run 10K's in the summer-- high humidity, nearly always 100 degrees plus.

Now I've lived in the cool Pacific Northwest for 11 years? I'm a total wuss and start whining when it gets above 80!

Ah!! Sounds like a nice place to live. My georgian friends would be laughing at me today. Used to live near Ft Hood Tx as a child. I remember how hot it was. There were large cracks in the dirt. We (me and the siblings) used to throw little toys in the cracks. You know, to see them drop down this 5 foot crack. Silly kids. Lol

Ya I live in South Florida and sometimes the air feels so thick you feel like you could swim in it. You really have to be careful working out outside this time of year. Luckily we have the ocean to cool off in

I remeber that feeling all too well!

Yeah, it's the worst when it's so humid that you just can't cool down! Agree, that it can actually be quite dangerous.

Yeah so for me i just have to slow way down or decrease the distance/time for safety.

You must really like running... I mean good on you for staying active and fit, but in that type of whether, uh uh... Pass the fan and icepop haha :)

You just have to be careful :)

In college I would lose up to 15 lb during summer practices. That was back when we thought "only wimps need water breaks."

We were so stupid. It's a wonder I've lived this long.

You're obviously still around for a good reason. =) yeah, i would never encourage that mindset! 15 lbs that is a lot of water weight!!

Nearly 2 gallons of water.

We would stand around the beverage dispensers in the cafeteria at lunch and dinner trying to gain it all back.

Geez. Then you risk hyponatremia - i.e. diluting your eletrolytes. Which is dangerous!

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