Steemit, This Topia of Future Fork 78

in #story7 years ago

God, if only I knew what to write… got to write got to write goddamn it! I haven’t had a post get voted on by a whale in over a month… at this rate I’m going to suffer the same fate as Mark. Maybe we can share a room, that wouldn’t be too bad... No, no, that’s a one-way trip… I’m going to breathe this musty gray Earth air as long as I live, I’ll reword texts off the internet if I have to, I’ll pay someone with writing skills to ghostwrite and edit my articles if I can scrounge up enough Steem… I’ll do anything I have to if that means staying here another day. I already saw my best friend get sectioned, flagged, and shipped off to the spam-sorting caves on Mars. That is a one way trip, my friend, and I’m sorry you have to suffer through the New section for the rest of your life. Who knew that Musk’s initiative to have a space colony would turn into the de facto destination for under-producing Steemians, or that those poor souls would be the first Martians, or that Cheetahbotnet would devolve into a human-run affair on another planet?

To think that so many of us got drafted during Flag War III only to return home and be forced to post ten times a day. How humiliating. No gratitude I tell you, we were the accounts that bore the brunt of the artillery fire. I’ve seen things. You don’t forget the smell of a crispy Steemit wallet. Accounts got flagged down to negative 200 rep in the blink of an eye. Flags so huge that entire groups of accounts would get blown into smithereens in a hundred yard radius. I remember one scared soldier screaming, sobbing, tightly gripping his mouse as he cried out that the flags blotted out the sun, but our sarge, that guy was like, retarded brave or something, he just shouted, “Good, then we’ll vote in the shade!”

Never could forget that guy, always wondered what happened to him after the enemy set an auto-flag trail on all of his posts. Feel kind of sorry for his family, the military denied claims for his disability even after his posts were yielding negative SBD. Must be real hard on his husband, I hope they stayed together, they were a pretty cute couple before the war.

Damn, gotta stop having flashbacks. Need to focus. Need to earn. What the hell is the point of a Universal Basic Income if we have to spend it all on bid-bots? These pressed algae pills aren’t cheap, you know. Chalky, tasteless, kind of reminiscent of soylent that’s been left out in the sun for far too long, they’re advertised to promote your health, wellness, and creative writing ability, or so they claim. An all-in-one pill for the dutiful Steemian who wants to achieve their minimum nutrition goals for the day. Seems all they’re good for is growing the hair on your toes.

I thought Hard Fork 63 was bad, but this Hard Fork 78 is just complete bullshit. Really borked us hard with that one. Mandatory posts every 2.4 hours? It's like they expect us to not have a life. Who needs friends or relationships when you have Steemit. I guess that’s my life now, or should I say all our lives now, I’m sure the owners of Steemit know what they’re doing. There must be some sort of reasonable explanation for why we have to post so often and there must be some good cause that all our vote-buying efforts go towards. I wouldn’t have ever guessed that Haejin was African, but considering Bernies Anders was South American I guess you can’t trust random images pulled from the web to be accurate representations of who someone really is. Kind of odd that the peace accord was signed in a scientific base in Antarctica… or maybe it isn’t, that’s probably one of the most neutral places you could go. I wonder if it’s always been that green down there, the pictures sure made it look nice and sunny. Maybe I can get a beach house there one day.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

GAHHHH! That stupid fucking timer… why does that stupid timer have to remind me that it’s been 2 hours since my last post?! I thought advances in medicine were supposed to help us live healthier lives, who knows what kind of side-effects these sleep-replacement pills have, but they’re the only way to post 24/7 without falling over dead. For now. Let me just peel back my eyelids a bit… fight off this sleep deprivation, pop another pill and…

Okay. This isn’t working. I’m sitting here staring at a blank page. I have 27 minutes left to write this and I’m long overdue on making the minimum congratulatory posts on how amazing Steemit is a month necessary to avoid getting the inter-generational downvote. That would be bad. I don’t even have kids yet!!! I wonder how they do it. Do they tag each individual sperm and egg? Do they process the DNA of the poster and check for a match in the database? All I know is that I nor anyone else wants that sucker stuck with them for life, hell, its effects don’t even end when you die. It’s the downvote to end all downvotes… some say it’s worse than sifting through spam, that’s something they just do to those who can’t write well, this… this is something different entirely. All I can tell you about it is… don’t say or think anything bad about Steem or Steemit. They’ll know. They always know. It’s all on the blockchain. Even your passing thoughts or stream of consciousne…


Thanks for the mid-afternoon levity :)

No problem, I wrote this willingly, and was in no way forced to write this by kevinwong under penalty of exile from steemit.

Well thank goodness for that. I'd hate to think that kevinwong is the kinda guy who'd exile people from anything.

Lel, we'd hope. :D

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