How to write a story #2

in #story7 years ago

In part one I told you how you could construct and start a story and how to fill it up.
Hope you didn't paint your house in all the colors of the Rainbow, but if you did, better use a white piece of paper and a pen to make the colors into words next time, and again, if you did, please share the photo's.

Now, back to how to write a story.
Often you hear writers talk about a writer's block or a lack of inspiration. I got a simple way to help you open up that dusty box inside your head where your imagination is hidden.

Okay, follow me. Stand up and walk towards that drawer we all have. The one with the unidentified objects. The place you put the things you don't know where else to put, but just didn't dare to throw away.
There my friends is where the treasure of inspiration is kept. You didn't know you had it, did you? But that saying goes for every item that's in there, so what's new?
Now close your eyes and just pick one of the items out of the drawer.

Now that thing in your hand has seen things, it has been to places you never saw before. It could come from another dimension, it could be owned by an old man somewhere in China and he used it to put spells upon villagers nearby. See the man holding that thing and speaking softly words in a strange language while shivering people are watching, afraid of what will happen. Will he call upon ancient Gods to destroy their village? You tell me, you are holding it, not me, I'm typing here.

You see?

Finding inspiration is under your nose, just open it up and let it flow. See what you write, feel what you write, smell what you write. Only then you will write a story that will bring people to other places, don't be afraid to overdo, just go.

Enjoy writing, share your stories with the rest of us, and maybe, there will be a part three, I'll have to check my drawer for that answer.
Have a great day my dear steemit friends! Till next time.

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Photo by S-Mj on Unsplash


good post likee it!

Thank you @mian. There's also a part one if you like. Simple advices on how to write a story ;)

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