Stop or Your Success Will Be Hampered By These 5 Bad Habits!

in #story7 years ago
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    Who wants to work with unreliable people? Before wishing to become a successful person, make sure we are considered someone else can be relied upon. At the very least, our co-workers and bosses believe we're definitely trying to do everything we can to get the job done. How best to get others to believe in us?

First, never make an appointment that you know you will not keep. If the deadline or task you receive is unrealistic, please be honest. Because once you've done something, people will assume you'll get it done. And if you do not finish it, you will lose their trust.
Second, make a realistic estimate. It's better to promise something you're sure you can do, then muster your best abilities to get as much as you can for more than what you promised instead of making a grandiose promise that you can not finally complete.

Third, apologize when you make a mistake. No one never makes mistakes, but how you handle them determines whether the hard-won beliefs you can keep. Do not rationalize or throw a responsibility when a problem occurs. Take responsibility, find a solution to the problem, and find out what caused the problem to happen so you do not repeat.

2.Often say and mesugesti yourself with the phrase, "this is not my passion! Ah ah, I want to come out.
Not that we do all the work of others, but if there are additional tasks that we can and should do for the success of our team, it would be better if we do it. If you have the time and ability to give a little help to your team members, just do it. It does not hurt to help people, but remember also not always the people we help will repay our deeds.
If you can not fulfill your coworker's request, give an honest and sincere explanation. In addition, you can also show that you really want to help by giving advice to keep the job done even if you do not do it.

3.Procrastinate small things, but this is important before starting big things.
Delaying to do something is not always a bad thing. Because delay is the way we make priorities. We can not do all things at the same time. There is something more important and precarious so we need to deliberately delay doing some things in order to be able to immediately complete our priority tasks.

However, delaying becomes a problem if the reason you delay is because you do not want to do a task, or you are afraid to do the job, or because you find it more interesting to do even if you delayed the task you should actually finish first.

How to distinguish positive delay from negative?

First, ask yourself why you are delaying. Are you putting off because there are more important things you need to do? Or are you actually running away, because the job you delayed is too difficult to do, or you do not know where to start, or are you afraid your work is not as good as you want?

How to overcome this bad habit?

First, learn to make priorities. There is something important and precarious, important but not critical, that is precarious but not important, and that is not critical or important. Second, remember you can always achieve better results if you keep trying. Do not get hung up on unrealistic standards and start doing your work. Third, if your work feels too heavy or large, categorize into simpler tasks. This will help you determine what you need to do. In addition, you can also feel its own satisfaction every time you complete a simple task, which will eventually make you more satisfied when you finally complete your big task.

4.Anti-change and too comfortable to relax in the comfort zone
Change is a mixture of chaos and opportunity. People who are anti-change may be people who only see the side of chaos, without seeing the opportunity. It is impossible to avoid change, so actually opposing change is a waste. You need to accept change if you want to succeed, even if it seems that the change only produces uncertainty.

To overcome this bad habit, ask why you resist change. Is it because you are afraid? Why are you retreating when others are moving forward? Remember, change is chaos plus chance. Rather than just focusing on the chaos that change brings, discover the opportunities it offers.

5.Pessimistic and always thought the world was cruel, loud and scary.
That's not wrong, but remember that always looking at everything from the downside can affect your co-worker mentality. Not that having a different opinion and being frank is a bad thing, but the way it is delivered is also important. Then, how to show a positive attitude without losing your teak in the workplace?

First, smile a lot. Other people will also smile or look at you more positively and you will feel more positive. Second, focus on solutions. How can we achieve the results we want? How can we solve the problem?

Negative attitudes suck energy from people around you as well. So even when you are not feeling optimistic, remember that you are part of the team and your attitude is affecting your coworkers. You do not have to pretend to be someone else. Just be aware of how much influence your attitudes show, and demonstrate a favorable attitude

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