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RE: The Playground Series; Reality in Fiction: Episode 7 Recap- Empathy

in #story7 years ago

Sometimes a knowing smile is all that is called for. When we want to scream at the top of our lungs --"don't you get it? What's wrong with you? Can you not see the forest for the trees?" - Sometimes it is best to just smile and walk away.

I have enjoyed this @dreemit, very thought provoking read.


I was out for a bit, it's really great to come back and find you reading all of these :) After the one from today there's just one more of the originals- and here's the thing- I wrote two more a month or so ago, down by the lake in a notebook...and I cannot find the freaking notebook anywhere. Normally this wouldn't be any big thing, when it comes to my books if I lose a chapter it's frustrating, but I know the gist and can recreate it easily. With these though, I generally need the right atmosphere of inspiration. t's as if I'm channeling a more evolved version of my spirit...a bit hard to explain. I've almost always used a notebook and even when I've used my laptop I'm somewhere in nature. By the lake, in the woods, or a field surrounded by woods.
I mentioned that I edited these...the truth is, the editing was very minimal, mostly grammar and a little rephrasing. Unlike my books which I've rewritten and revised until I force myself to stop because I might actually be harming the story.
I've had to decide that either the notebook will turn up right when I need it, or maybe there was something missing. Either way I will continue.

I'm glad it was thought provoking. As you mentioned in an earlier comment it is essentially about the questions that enter the minds of those of us who are of a mind to question ;)

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