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RE: The Kid That Became A Guy Part III: Sonny, Patty and Uncle Sam

in #story8 years ago

I'm sorry to say I haven't been reading this. It sounds like you and I came from similar places, a few states and a few years apart. Now I'll have to go back and read the previous parts.


I hope you enjoy it. It's something I had to get off my chest before I die. I've tried to tell my kids and couldn't...this is the only way I could find the words.

Yeah, I'm warming up for about the same chore. Some things you can only say once, so I've been holding onto it until I can say it well.

I don't know how well I'm saying it, but I'm getting it all out.

You are doing great. It is flowing out in a good style and its easy to read and enjoy.

BTW, you might think about providing a link and index, or a unique tag.

Yeah. I would link to the previous and next chapters in each post. It is certainly a series that will capture peoples attention.

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