
Very informative! Thanks!

so much fake it that article its difficult to know where to start...

I am open to the possibility of the picture being photoshopped. Are you @bigsambucca open to the possibility to take seriously the statements done by all these people on the following video

"I am open to the possibility of the picture being photoshopped"
No, the picture is faked...that's a fact not a possibility.
When you get called on your fake evidence accept it.

Interesting that you are more interested in the picture that the testimony of all those people in the video. That says much about you @bigsambucca

I don't have time to wade through the endless trail of nonsese you will keep presenting every time your "facts" are proven incorrect.... Took me 1 minute to find this about your video...enjoy

I am sorry you got angry @bigsambucca and you had to resort to insults to "prove" that you are right and at the same time avoiding the main issue that is the testimony of all those people in the video.

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