True life story ~ written for @bycoleman true story contest

in #story6 years ago

Thanks to @bycoleman for this wonderful contest which is an avenue to share this true life story.

It was on 22nd February 2017, on my first visit to Lagos, i had gone for a one month visit to an uncle on his invitation. One faithful morning, i had gone out to take a stroll around and see a few good things in the streets nearby and coincidentally, i ran into an old friend Jonathan.

Hey! Austine, its really been long. See how you've grown so big, i barely recognized you.

"You too friend, perhaps! Its been Gods doing, he's been faithful to me all these years". This i had replied him as we hugged each other severally, exchanging other pleasantries.

Come on! Let's hangout in one of those big joints over there and chill out for a while, all bills are on me brother.

I didn't think it twice to accept his offer cos i felt so pleased meeting him again after 20years.

Jboy as we called him then, used to be my best childhood friend, we spent most of our time playing football in the school field after school hours. But then, he had a very big problem as he would always put up a display of questionable characters like, fighting, bullying and stealing. Often times, he was flogged by the school teachers in general assembly before every other students for one trouble or the other.

When he was twelve (12) years of age, his late uncle had taken him and his twin brother Joseph to Lagos for them to learn trade and be established. That was the last time i set eyes on Jboy.

Austine my brother, surviving in this Nigeria is not easy and Lagos has not been helping matters. But i thank God today that the Jboy you used to know then, is now a pastor.

"Blood of Zacharia! How on earth could this be possible?" I questioned myself out of surprise.

Jonathan didn't stop there, but went ahead to tell me all that he has passed through right from the day he left the village to Lagos till this present day as he never hides a thing from me. Two parts of his story got me convinced that the man and sitting with has wined and dined with the devil.

I used to be a highway armed robber, not just an armed robber alone, sometimes i mix it with kidnapping and little of assassination. But, then i only assassinate politicians and their opponents from other party gets me paid, but for kidnapping, that one was my personal business so anyone goes and for armed robbery, anyway! Anyone can be robbed wether rich or poor. Am not proud of my life today cos my atrocities caused me the life of my twin brother Joseph.

I was shocked, immediately i felt ghost pimples all over me but didn't cut him short as he continued.

But he left an envelope sealed note for me with the police which read:
"Brother, police invaded your apartment for a search with information and found guns, cocaine and pictures of missing people, murdered in cold blood of yours hands, but couldn't place your face from mine. In silence i had owned up your place and gave myself in cos i had promise mum to take care of you and that, i fulfil this day". In Christ i die that you may live, in sin you kill Christ, repent and take over my small church, feed my sheep, i love you and God loves you too. Your identical twin, Pastor Joseph.

At this point, my legs pinned to the ground. The sweat drops from my face was like that of someone who just took a hot bath. My mouth was left open with my eyes fixed to his. The hairs on my head all stood up straight, the surprise was very easy to notice as i already became scared but couldn't cut him short.

I am a changed man now, i took over my late brothers church. God has not called me yet but av sent him a text message that i will serve him functioning under the capacity of the senior pastor and CEO overseer general of Fire Must Come Down International Ministry and you can call me pastor Jboy.

Two weeks later, i visited his church and after his sermon he said:

Now you can raise your offerings unto the Lord. Five hundred naira ($2) upwards, come this way for special blessing from me, the senior pastor. Four hundred naira ($1) down, follow the other side and drop it in the offering box there, junior pastor will prayer for you. Fifty naira ($0.050) down is not allowed in this service. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver.

For real, he didn't change one bit from the old Jboy he has always been.

Last week, his supposed dead brother Joseph walked into his new apartment. Puzzled at the sight of him, Joseph said,

Brother, i tried all i could to save you but failed. My death news and everything you heard and saw on the television was absolute frame up, you are a Nation's most wanted and they had done all that to regain your confidence to come back home.

It down on my friend Jonathan that be has been nailed. A trial to escape was fruitless as the police already got everywhere covered.

Jboy was cramped and found guilty of all charges leveled against him by the law court and was sentenced to death by hanging. He was executed two weeks ago in an undisclosed location.

I wept over his death as a friend but as they saying goes, everyday is for the thief but one day is for owner of the house. I dried my tears and wished his soul a peaceful rest. Rest In Peace Jonathan Ezeogu.

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