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RE: Was I dying or was it all in my head? (Part II)

in #story8 years ago

He is right and wrong.
Some pathogenic bacteria can actually hide inside the white blood cells which makes them effectively invisible to all tests- and as such will not show inflammation until years later. Lyme works like this. Some people do not show symptoms until l 5 year after a bite.
As I said, if it is still there then it will come back but only if you eat unhealthy.
As long as your immune system is good then it will keep on top of it and gradually destroy the bacteria anyway.
You are young and so the body can pretty much destroy anything at your age. Good healthy food and no cheap burgers and you will be fine ha ha


That is interesting and kind of goes along with what I have noticed. As long as I get plenty of rest, eat mostly healthy, take vitamins, and get exercise I tend to be ok. However, if I have some late nights or get off my routine that is when the symptoms start to flair up again... interesting.

Yes I've heard something like that, even bacteria or viruses that enter the nervous system and sleep there, just like real world sleeper cells, they activate when the body is weak and spread the infection through the nerves. There are many things we have no knowledge of, at least most people.

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