I woke up from my sleep

in #story6 years ago


"Woi Ri ... woii wake up ................" a voice in the morning woke me from sleep.

"Hell?" I grumbled, ignoring the man. "Bother people sleep."

"Busett dah dah ni very hard child wake up," the voice of a girl. Right beside me. I'm sure it must be Meva. He shook my shoulders several times. "Do you promise to help me camer beresin? Wake up laaah ...... "

"Bener-bener dah ni kayak kebo bed!"

"Just deh siangan aja ...." I said with lazy without moving a bit from my sleeping position.
"Now aja siih," he began to whine. "Later in the afternoon I have a lecture ..."

"Yes already kalo so college now wrote, let the afternoon can be sorted out kamer," I still survive under the covers.
"Good luck. What kind of rank can I set up a college schedule? "

"Leave, leave. See, you can do it?"
"Iiih .... for long lo bummer. Hurry up! If I do not burn your ni kamer lo. "

"Burn aja not papa ........."

"Aaaarrrriiiiiii .................................. ..........." he came back shook my shoulders, this time out loud. "GET UP!!"
"Yes yes I wake up!" I uncover the blanket from my body.
"Well, so dong," exclaimed meva happy. "The name of the promise must be kept. Keep an appointment is a debt. "


"Well, she's sleeping again," meva grumbles again. "Come get up!"
I turned the body facing him. With my eyes still half closed I forced to sit. I remember two days ago indeed promise will help Meva clean up her room. He had only moved two nights ago.

"Still sleepy Va ......" I say a little pitiful.

"Wash my face let not sleepy," it seems this girl tetep keukeuh I have to help her this morning.
"Still early in the morning. Can not entar-yah well? "I begged.
"Now it's eight o'clock, Mas ..... already day!"

"Eight o'clock is still morning. Half an hour again deh yes abis that I really wake up deh. Yes yes yes? "And my body collapsed again to the mattress.
"Again sleeping," Meva grumbled. "I just know you are very difficult to wake up."

I feel my cheeks patted.
"Wake up ri, two hours more I already have already on campus."

I did not move. And the pat on the cheek gw harder. Now it is worth mentioning as a slap.
"Meva's pain !!" I really wake up now. Sitting while rubbing my red cheeks.

"Hehehe ....." Meva grinned broadly. How great he is! Without the slightest guilty of casual he laughs after slapping me. "So wake up try. I've made hot tea. "

"Next time do not wear slap ah," I protested.

"Hehe..iyah maap, ya abisnya loe hard to wake up? I'm forced to use violence. "
I snickered.
"I have cepet wash my face there. Very bad face just wake up. "

With still grumbling I went to the bathroom. Just wash your face and exit the room. Meva is already in her room. Actually lazy swearing oath, Saturday morning woke up like this. I used to laze around and choose to wake up later during the holidays like this.
But yah want how else, I already promised to Meva will help him clean up his room today.

Two nights ago, Meva had just moved some of her belongings from an old boarding house. I just found out he's been renting two kosan. One here and another in the Gempol area. And he often back and forth both kosannya this because it is bored. But honestly wrote, so far I have never offended or questioned about his strange habit that likes to hurt themselves. I'm afraid this will spoil her mood, and will eventually encourage her to do the weird and extreme things again. Let me think she's a normal girl. I pretend I do not know about the weirdness in her.

And indeed he is normal. As a friend chatting he was fun and disconnected to talk, just there are some moments I met him was daydreaming as usual. If it's like that, even a fire may not distract. Whether a hobby or indeed a profession demands. Hehehe....

"Ri, here deh .." Meva called from inside her room.

"Anybody can I slam?" I go into his room. Still the same room, a dark room with dim lights, just like the first I came into this room some time ago.
"Do you think this mattress is comfortable where it is?" Meva stood in the corner of the room, next to the folded bed in another corner of the room.

"Where aja allowed," my comment. "Just do not in the shower kamer wrote."
Meva glared at me with a look 'I'm serious ?!'
"There aja deh," I pointed to where he stands today.
"Yes already, sok atuh degree mattress," he walked to my direction.

"Why should I? Can you alone? "
"Why should I? Have you promised to help me? "
"I promise to help Neng, not a maid."
"Already, just the same. Hurry up, "Meva pushes me to the bed.
"Huh, work this corotion mah." Omel gw

But I do also move the mattress to the place I pointed earlier. In addition to the lights that remain dim, this room is slightly changed with the addition of some furniture such as gallons and dispensers. There is also a small closet where clothes, and some plates and glasses to eat and drink. A backpack was lying near the door, and a few extra books were just lying next to him. Compared to what was once a bookcase, this room is definitely denser now.

Today's show is sweeping and kamer ngamer and cleaning the bathroom. And that's all I do while the Meva sits sweetly watching my job! What a great girl this one is! Hah?!
"Okay, it's all done. I went to college first .. "said Meva. "It's nine o'clock."

I just can not see this girl packing her books in her bag.
Today you're really bummer! I've been forced to wake up in the morning, cape-cape ngerjain own and after all wrong, lo maen stay run away aja! Bener-bener dah this girl ............. !!

"Nah, thank you for helping me kamer beramerin. Now I leave yaa, "Meva waved and went out.
"Wait a minute," I hold her at the door.

"You want to go?" I asked.
Meva nodded.
"Already so aja? Lo maen go aja after I ngamer kamer lo ?? "
"Today's agenda is emang right? Inget ... a promise is a debt. "

I took a deep breath. Kesel bener I, I swear!
"Well, I'm leaving," I finally said.
Meva smiled. The sweet smile that I once craved. He really smiled for me. But my irritation this morning slightly damaged her smile in my eyes.

"Daah ....." he said and hurried away.
I can only grumble in my heart. Well, never mind .... want diapain again. I closed the door of Meva's room and went to my room. Better I continue to sleep until night .........

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