Skeletons in the Closet part 1

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Highschool, a place of socializing and sometimes, even learning. Today a group of friends learns that some things are better left untouched. 

Four highschoolers, two boys and two girls,  were looking at an old book. One of them, a thin looking guy, started examining the book. He turned to one of the girls.

" Where did you find it?" he asked. The smaller girl gave him an answer. " In a shop selling used books. It was weird. The owner even recommended the book to me."

The other guy barged into their conversation. " Laura, this is nice and all, but why did you want to show it to us?"

" Look at the cover, John ."

All three of her friends curiously looked at the text on the cover. The thin guy turned back to her. " The Book of Shadows. Since when did you become interested in this stuff?"

" Never, Leo. The owner picked this one for me by himself."

The other girl poked her with her elbow. " Maybe he thought that it would help you with body problems." 

" Really funny. There are more important things, than having the biggest curves, you know."

" Says a girl, who looks like she never went through puberty."

Everybody started laughing except Laura, who gave the other girl an angry look.

" People, could we please focus on why were are here."

Her friends stopped laughing and turned back to her. " So what are you planning with the book?" asked Leonard.

" Well, that's obvious, don't you think? We are going to try, if something from the book works," said John.

" Imagine all the stuff we could do with it."

The taller girl looked at John. " We didn't even looked into the book and you already want to try it? We don't even know a single thing about magic."

"Jane, it will be easy as pie." He slaps Leonard's back. " We have an expert on this exact subject."

" John, just because I spent a huge amount of my time obssesing over fantasy stuff, it doesn't mean I am an expert on magic! There is a big difference between fiction and non-fiction." 

" Come on, dude. You will help us with this and I will help you with your problems. I am one hundred percent sure, that you could use a wingman."

Leo looks at Laura and back at John. He thinks for moment and then gives his answer: " Allright! But everyone of you will help. No excuses!" 

John smiles. " Great! So what's the plan?" he asked.

" Obviously we should start first with an information gathering. How about going to a library. That should be a first place to look," answered Jane instead of Leonard. John and Jane walked out of the room. Before walking out, John turned on Laura and asked: " How come you didn't say anything?"

Laura looked into his eyes. " You really think, that giant pile of testosterone would listen?"

" Good point."


They did as they said and went into the library. Leonard gave them orders where to look. He himself went to look into the section focusing on religion. Meanwhile John went to ask one of the workers. The worker, a  part-timer slightly older than John, was sorting returned books.

" Hi, I am looking for..."

" John, I have told you already multiple times. We do NOT have any pornographic novels!"

" Actually I am here for a different thing."

The Librarian stopped sorting the books and turned at John. " Really? A guy, who had problems finishing his book asignments is suddently interested in reading."

" Yeah man. Me and my friends came with an idea to write fantasy novel and because of that we are looking for research materials."

" You as a writer. Sorry, but it is hard to imagine. However I am glad, that you are trying to broaden your horizons. "

" See? I told ya. So do you have any recommendations?"

" Well there is a lot of stuff to choose from. For example..." The librarian wasn't able to finish the sentence, because somebody started making a commotion in the other part of library.

" Hold that thought," he said to John and went to solve the problem.

Some delinquent was making a noise in a reading room. He went to him and calmly asked: " Sir could you please quiet down. You are bothering other visitors." 

The guy wasn't having any of that. He stood up, looked directly into the Librarian's eyes and said: What are ya gonna do about that four eyes?" 

" I am asking you again. Please quiet down or you will be escorted out of here."

" Ain't happening. I am gonna stay here."  

The Librarian grabbed the guy and effortlessly slammed him into the floor. He told the man again with the same calm voice to leave the place. The guy quickly stood up and left the library. John was looking at the whole scene. His mind trying hard to process the fact, that the nerdy looking guy is tougher, than he looks. The Librarian returned to him to continue the chat.

" Anyway, where were we?"


With the information gathered, the group of four friends went to experiment with the book. The Librarian meanwhile returned to this job. After a few hours he closed the library. He was putting the keys into the handbag, when a mysterious man came to him. From the sounds of the steps and the noise the man made, the Librarian noticed that it's John.

" I am sorry, but we are closed for today. Come back tomorrow mor... ugh!"

He wasn't able to finish talking, because the man grabbed his neck and started choking him. He was unable to fight back, so after a few minutes the man threw him on the ground. The librarian was smart enough and played dead. The man grabbed his handbag and looked through his stuff. Unable to find what he was looking for, the man grunted angrily, threw the bag on the ground and went away. The Librarian was shocked. During the choking he saw the man's face and was sure. It was really John.

What those kids got themselves into?         





The thumbail is a panel from the comic book series Unwritten (issue 31.5) by Mike Carey and Bryan Talbot.

I didn't use thumbnail picture in other posts, so I thought let's use this one and see, what happends.

Some people may ask, why I bother writing my stories, when I have maximum of 3 readers ( In other words: Modernzorker and one or two people, who stumble on my blog by accident. Heck even Modernzorker doesn't read everything I post.).

The fact that I have hundreds of subscribers and maximum of 4 upvotes (and that's only, when I am very lucky) also doesn't help.

The thing is that I have a faith ( and also a huge amount of false hope, but faith sounds better). I believe that one day I will have 4 readers. And after more writing and publishing I will get another and another one and one day who knows. Maybe I will be able to earn more than a one cent from my writing.

Sometimes the only and best thing you could do is to believe in yourself.
Have pride in your work, because nobody is going to do it for you.

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