Beautiful Voices and Prince's Story

in #story6 years ago

Once upon a time. In the past, there was a palace behind the huge pine trees somewhere in the distance while I was in the barn of straw, and the barracks of the ruffled fleas were barber in time. In this palace, the king is the queen, and his sons are the prince. The prince also had a babysitter. The voice and voice of her carman were so ugly that even when she was infant she started crying, screaming at her caring prince lullaby. As the prince grew up, he was so uncomfortable with his nanny's voice that his nanny could not stand to stand in the same room for five minutes. The prince has promised himself from within. One day I get married, I will marry the most beautiful voice girl in this land. She thought so beautifully that I would not want to sit up and get up from the morning to the evening. When the time comes, the prince has come to the age of 18 and the king thinks that the time of the prince's marriage has come. One day the prince said that he should get married. The prince was married, but I had a condition and told him everything he had done and his promise to his father one by one. His father did not give his son any desire. Finally, he put a post on the whole country. The Prince has printed an announcement that they are looking for the most beautiful voice girl in the land and they have hanged it all the way to the trees.

They call the most beautiful voice girl there, and one of the neighboring villages is a girl named Elya. Elya's voice is so beautiful, so clear that when people talk, people admire her, and when she starts singing while doing work in the garden, everyone around her starts to leave their work and listen to Elya. However, neither Elya nor anyone living in their village left their villages. Because of this, the most beautiful voice girl of the land was searched, so no one knew who knew Elya nor Elya.

One day the Prince rode out in the forest. Almost all the girls from all walks came to the voice contest, but there was no sound that shook the heart of the prince. The Prince has not figured out how far you have been moving along with these thoughtful horses. He found himself in a forest. As he slowly looked at where he was, he heard the most naive, most polite speech he could hear and hear from far away. When she approached a little more, she started singing. It started to watch her from afar. The girl was picking strawberries on one hand, and the song was muttering on the other. But he was so sweet he thought the prince could sit all day and listen to him. She realized that when she thought that she was the girl that would unite her life. When he gave his decision and went to the girl's side, she heard the voice and suddenly got stuck. When it was going to fall, the prin held him in a stranglehold. The Prince stared at him with surprise. She had the most beautiful eyes, the most beautiful face, the most beautiful voice she had ever seen. Elya has returned to astonishment as she sees the prince. The Prince was so handsome that he could not hide his Elya admiration. Later, the promise he gave to the prince Elya from afar, told him that he had done it in the palace and knelt down and said to Elya, "Will you marry me and make me the happiest and peaceful man of the world? '' he asked. Elya was very surprised from the beginning, but she accepted it with hesitation. They had a wedding for 40 days and 40 nights. Elya gave birth to three beautiful boys, such as the beautiful voice itself and the beautiful prince. They have lived happily ever after all their lives.

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