in #story6 years ago (edited)

Image gotten from Pixabay and edited by me.

Kendrick was devastated, he felt unsafe everywhere he went, everyone in Harmony club looks like an enemy. He switched on his phone and placed a call to Samuel, the call went through immediately.

“Where are you?” Samuel said hurriedly.

“Ibadan,” he replied.

“What? You mean you’ve left Lagos? Where in Ibadan? I’m coming to meet you right now.”

He was wondering why Samuel seemed concerned, there’s a ministry to pursue in Lagos and he’s planning to leave it to come meet him at Ibadan.

“You don’t need to come, Samuel. I’m not safe and neither would you be if you are with me. I killed someone this morning.” He started crying. He checked around to see if someone was watching or listening to him.

“The guy I killed was after my life and he said a man sent him. The way he narrated how he was contacted isn’t my sister’s style.” He added.

“Are you saying your sister might be innocent after all?” Samuel asked.

“That’s what I intend finding out, I’m going after her. Pray for me Samuel.” He said and ended the call.

He finished up his drink and tried standing up. But he couldn’t. It was as if he was glued to the chair. He started having a migraine, he was feeling dizzy and his legs were trembling. He looked up and saw a lady smiling at him, she served him the drink earlier. He pointed at her and was finding it hard to talk. As the lady was approaching him, he passed out. Everything went blank.
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Samuel smashed his phone on the floor, he has been trying to get Kendrick’s location but all his efforts proved abortive. The phone call he had with him few seconds ago would have determined that, but Kendrick dropped the call before he could find out.

“Damn it! Damn it!” He kept muttering.

“Where you able to get an exact location?” He asked.

He wasn’t alone in his lodge, Rueben and Peter had been working for him since he started his ministry. That’s what he tells people that cares to know about his relationship with them. Aside preaching the gospel, they are good with computers. Rueben is a professional hacker while Peter could plant software bugs.

“A minute boss, just a minute!” Rueben replied.

“You’ve been telling me this since yesterday. I swear if you don’t give me a location in thirty minutes, you are gone.”

Rueben had to rush up what he was doing. He knew Samuel well enough, he can be mean when he’s angry.

“Harmony club,” Rueben shouted.

“That’s where he is?”

“Well, that’s where he made the call. That’s where the phone is right now.” Rueben replied.
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Kendrick woke up with a slight headache. He found himself on a very big bed. The room looked familiar, the designs on the wall were similar to his. But the bed he was sitting on wasn’t. The television and other appliances was different from what he had left. He stood up and went to the bathroom to confirm his suspicion, there’s a sign he made in his bathroom before saying goodbye to his house then.

The bathroom was sparkling clean as usual, it was the exact way he had left it. All the signs he left in it were still there. Now, he was baffled. He pressed a button hidden beside his toilet seat and a tile on the floor opened, his gun was still intact, he picked it up, checked if it was still loaded and came out of the bathroom.

He met his sister on the bed. He was terrified and at a moment he forgot he had a gun.

“I was thinking you would raise your gun at me, Kendrick.” Her sister questioned.

Just then, Kendrick pointed his gun at her.
“It is loaded Rachael. I don’t care if I die afterwards, I’ll kill you right now.” Kendrick threatened.

“Why would you want me dead brother?”

“You are the one that want me dead and don’t even try to deny it.”

“That’s what I want to know. Why you concluded I want you dead. I have never thought of that, what would I gain from killing you?” Rachael asked.

She came down from the bed and went straight to the fridge. She brought out a tin of milk and gulped it down her throat.

“I just found out Ryan was a traitor, he was my enemy’s brother all this while. He knows too much about me already and I’m not safe anymore. That’s why I packed down to your house, it’s the last place I’ll be found.” She went back to the bed.

Kendrick had been following her movement with his gun trailing her. He was ready to shoot at any slight betrayed movement.

“Now, people are putting ideas into your heads? Let me know who told you at least.” She asked politely.

“Who is this enemy? He doesn’t have a name?” Kendrick threw a question instead.

Rachael laughed out loud and beckoned on his brother to have a seat. He refused but she continued her story.

“Let me take you down the memory lane.”


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Twenty two years ago.

Rachael and Kendrick completed their store with the money they realized from China. The store was small but it was wide enough to contain the cloths they planned to sell. But, that wasn’t the whole plan. They had connections with people that could supply cocaine to them. The store developed into the biggest in the environment in one month. The duos were living at large and they were smart enough to avoid the Police from tampering into their business.

The competition was getting tougher, so they had to kill sometimes to keep up. Rachael had a boyfriend then, a man she failed to introduce to Kendrick. Samson loved Kendrick the first day he met him and had always wanted to meet him but Rachael declined giving excuses of not being the right time.

Samson was a don in the drug business, he gave Rachael most of the connections she got. When he asked Rachael of anything else he can do for her, she made him draw the same tattoo her brother had on his back. According to her, she likes seeing it each time his brother is shirtless, she wants it on his back too.

And that was how the silencer got the tattoo.

They had a big hit three years later, Samson was supposed to pick up the package, and he trusted Rachael well enough and gave her the assignment.

Rachael picked it up successfully and poisoned him. She ran away with her brother afterwards and they lived their dreams with the money gotten from the hit.

Unfortunately for her, Samson survived.

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“You betrayed the silencer?” Kendrick was surprised.

“We were living fine sister, we were still very rich. Was that greed?” He added.

“Shut up boy! Every connections and big hits we had were all my brain and work. I had to kill, go to dangerous missions, sleep with stupid men just to get those goods and what do I get later?”

“Kisses, promises and a little percentage. I couldn’t cope with that anymore.” Rachael said and smiled.

“Now, do you have a plan? Cos I’m sure the silencer will have more than one.” Kendrick asked.

“You sounded like you know him.” Racheal laughed again.

“Of course I do, he asked me to kill you.”

Rachael’s jaw dropped.

To be continued……

Previous episodes

The Tattoo - Episode one

The Tattoo - Episode two

The Tattoo - Episode three

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