in #story7 years ago (edited)

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Edith ran blindly in the heavy downpour on the highway, not minding if a lone vehicle would be racing on the deserted road. She wasn't running because it was raining but rather because she was trying to still her raging emotions. How could she let her guards down yet again? She thought she had trained herself emotionally for that moment but she had been flawed. "Aarrghh"! She could see her house some blocks away. She could do with a few more runs but well... A screech, a crack and a thud, she had just been hit by a recognizable force! The last thing she saw before closing her eyes was the terrified face of a young man.

She woke up feeling lightheaded and numbness all over her body. The room she was in was brightly lit. She never remembered having the habit of leaving the lights on before hitting her bed at nights. "Oh my! This isn't even nighttime. She was supposed to be at work!" But the numbness.... "Oh my my!! This isn't her room either! She is in the..... "Are you awake?" someone interrupted the line of her thoughts. She looked around and saw an unfamiliar face. "Who are you?" she asked. "Oh my lady, thank you for waking up from unconsciousness. You've been out for three days now", the man completed with visible tears threatening to spill.

The incident of the previous days started falling into place in her head. She had been running blindly in the rain because.... she hesitated, because she didn't want to remember what happened earlier...... and she was hit by a moving vehicle. Guess the young man sitting by her bed must be the driver who hit her. She eyed him thankfully and was glad because he was not a 'hit and run'. He could have left her that night as everywhere was deserted but he didn't. She wouldn't blame him much in future for her own faults. "I would excuse you guys for a moment. He has been waiting for you to come around since you got here" he said. "Who??"

Guess she needn't ask that question as a familiar figure stood at the doorway looking handsomely worried. "oh no, not him please"! She closed her eyes painfully wishing she could go back to being unconscious, at least till he leaves. Now he's making it hard to forget what she desperately wanted to forget. At this point, the doctor came in. She had never felt more pleased with an intrusion as this. "You finally came around. I must commend, you have a fast recovery rate. You should be more grateful you were rushed here in time. We might have lost you",the female doctor commented.

She glanced towards the door where he stood. "Mr Caleb, your boyfriend, would brief you about all I told him. Meanwhile, I'd ask a nurse to bring in your medications" and she LEFT! She should have left with Caleb! How dare he introduce himself as her boyfriend? She just wanted to get the hell up and lash out at him but she couldn't even lift her arm. She shot him a fiery look. "Calm down princess, you'd hurt yourself more without rightly placing your emotions. You should think about your health first" he said. Yes, he was right, she shouldn't allow his thoughts a place in her heart. She would rather focus on getting better, healthier.

She was discharged the seventh day on a wheel chair. She had series of argument with Caleb that morning as to going to live with him pending the time she could do things on her own. She knew he was right. She lived all by herself and wouldn't love to bother her parents with such a burden as looking after her, but the idea of moving in with this man isn't pleasing too. It sends several chills off her spines. She wished she had a better, no, escapist option. She just needed to be careful around this man. Her heart skipped a beat when she remembered how terribly she had failed the last time. "No negative vibes" was her last thought before entering his car with his help. The journey began through familiar routes and the more she tried to suppress, the more those previous incidences kept playing out in her mind.

Caleb Winams, the handsome driver who was peeking at her through the rear mirror was her boyfriend of four years. She believed in their together forever until he broke her heart with that incidence. Worse of all is, he would never admit he truly did it and was even trying to manipulate her emotionally which explains the events antedating her accident. He invited her over after much convincing to clear himself off their heartbreak scandal. He felt awful for being accused on what he had no hand him. The conversation had grown heated and she had even started to sob when he drew her closer and KISSED her! He knew she was vulnerable around him and took advantage of her weakness. The greatest of sly was her emotions because she responded with as much velocity like she wanted it.

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It took her over five minutes to regain her senses.and an extra two minutes to process the next line of action. She slapped him and ran out of his house even though it was pouring heavily that night and then, the accident. Again, here she was, right in front of that same house! Why was her life in such back motion? "We are here!" he said and smiled to her. She didn't respond but rather avoided his gaze. He came down and helped her out of the car unto a familiar terrain. Their bodies touched severally and she could feel the tension and rigidity between them. If only he hadn't cheated on her with her own..... "Would you take some rest first or i make you dinner?'' he interrupted her train of thought. She just hissed and wheeled past him into the master's bedroom.

Why was she here in the master's bedroom? She noticed it was more of a reflex than actuality. She just let herself relax giving away all the worries of her life at the moment. She woke up to the smell of roasted steak. She never knew she dozed off. Someone had helped her into the bed too! Thank heavens, her clothes were still intact! But whom was she deceiving? Whether she liked it or not, he would still help her into the bathroom and everywhere! What does her nudity matter when she is a lame temporarily? Her stomach rumbled indicating hunger. She bit her lips thinking of how to crawl to get into her wheelchair. As if on cue, Caleb walked in with the kitchen apron still on him and without asking her permission, lifted her up bridal style and instead of putting her in the wheelchair, carried her straight into the dinner area like he own her!

She was flushed with anger and once on the dinning seat he chose near him, she lashed out at him. He quickly knelt beside her and before she could avoid it, he stole another kiss! This time, she was too weak to object nor push him away. And then she started sobbing! "You shouldn't use me like this. You cant take advantage of my disabilities to wreak havoc on my emotions like this. Caleb please just leave me alone". With tears in his eyes, he replied "But i cant leave you alone. I swear to you, i am really innocent. Please just trust me and forgive me. I own you, you own me. I love you so much Eddy. Don't go away. I beg you". She looked into the eyes of this man and saw sincerity. She loved him, still love him but could she erase the images etched into her heart of his misdemeanor? She has to give forgiveness a chance........gradually.

It had been one week of their cohabiting. She is recuperating faster and can move with the aid of a walking stick instead of a wheelchair. Caleb had been everything in those few days, not to mention the unimaginable things they did together like they had just met. She wouldn't be needing a honeymoon if they eventually did marry. He took a temporal leave in his office just to take care of her. She could see him now in the kitchen slicing away vegetables for breakfast. "Boy was he hot standing like that!'' She blushed slightly embarrassed by her own thoughts. A knock jousted her from her reverie. "I'd get the door " said Caleb who was wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. She heard some noise at the door and decided to go see whats up. And there stood, the subject of her hate!

"What is she doing here?" Edith fired. "I was just telling her to leave before you came. Alicia please leave. You are a threat to my relationship. We don't want to see you ever!" Caleb said, visibly angry! 'Please i just need an audience with Edith. I would leave after this, i promise"..... silence.... "No!" Caleb thundered. "Let her in". He stepped back for her to come in, eyeing her suspiciously. He was wondering what poison she had concocted this time around. He was still suffering for her sins. They asked that he excused them for a while and he went back to the kitchen. He stood there wondering what they might be discussing and more, if Edith was safe with the serpent, Alicia. He sat and thought of how the problem really started.

Alicia Morgan was Edith's best friend or so he thought! He had called her over to his place to have a surprise proposal party planned for the big moment he was going to ask Edith's hand in marriage. He even planned to ask her hand that night as he and Alicia worked so hard to create a romantic ambiance with the candles and roses. He had picked out a time for Edith to come around. They were done with the decorating. He was so pleased with the end result that he brought out a champagne to celebrate their success! If only he knew he was cheering an almost failed relationship with Edith. He knew Alicia to be a light drinker but that she could get drunk just after a few sips is what he couldn't fathom. The next moment, she was trying to kiss him. Before he could stop her, she pinned him to chair and was all over him.

He could have pushed her roughly but that would contradict gentlemanly ethics, carrying her off him to the guest room for the alcohol to wear off is a better idea. While trying to entangle her from himself, Edith walked in on them. He could see the look of horror on her face. He would have misinterpreted the situation either. There he was, holding her best friend inappropriately under a romantic setting! She left! The next time they saw was when he was trying to clear his name off the misconstrued way she took the whole thing. He knew she loved him and had stolen a kiss to keep his memories fresh in her head but it has landed her in an accident. Maybe it was a good thing, it has brought them together thus far. And now this visit. He contemplated eavesdropping on their conversation but while still on the thought, they came out. "Whats that expression on Edith's face?"

She came up to him and hugged him tight. "I'm so sorry i never trusted you enough. I was blinded by rage that i wasn't able to think straight. Ally explained everything to me. She told me of your plans to propose. Am i still worthy of that ring?" She gave a lopsided grin like a child whose candy was taken. Caleb went inside like one who was hurt by her distrust but rather came back with a diamond ring kneeling. "Will you be my bride forever Eddy?". She didn't reply but instead, bent over to steal a kiss. Only this time, Caleb was ready to be robbed.

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Very interesting post,i just love your writing skills thump up for the job well done you are a good writer.

Love stories doesn't usually have a sweet ending.
But this one ends on a lovely sweet note.
Great job ma'am, you are such a good raconteur.
And you just proved that writers can create desired worlds with their pen.

Caleb was ready to be robbed

Ha ha ha laughing out loud.

Lol,. You are his mentor

Wow.... This is good.

Thanks dear.

Interesting one


@aderonkemi the great fiction writer.
damn! You are good at what you do, this is of no doubt, i keep on wondering where you get your inspiration from. I hope it is not what thinking.

Huh? What are you thinking sir?

Just trying to make a hunch and guess. But you can tell me where your inspiration is from.

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