A bad Day or Bad luck..Is it Actually bad?-A story of an Indian Army Instructor

in #story7 years ago (edited)

I have always heard things as someone saying "Today,I had a bad day" or "That day was the worst day ever" and many more things like that which tells about how someone felt of that day.

I want to bring here a story on the bad luck thing which I heard somewhere-

There was a Man in Indian army who was an instructor named Hawaldar Nair.He was an instructor of the armament and missiles.There are light tanks called BMP from which the missiles are fired.The man who fires that is called Missile Gunner and it takes a lot of practice and a thousands of an hours to practice it on simulator first.Because to fire in real its too expensive so simulators are used for practicing.There was man under Hawaldar Nair who was experts in every aspects that gunnery course.He was chosen for firing real Missiles for practicing as he has achieved a level.But Everyone is just given one chance to fire.When he got the chance he calculated all and then fired and actually that became a Misfire. He was the best in every aspect and still he misfired in that one chance he had.That was a case like 1 in 10,000 at that level.He was very disappointed when we went back with his missile reports to the instructor.He was so sad that the instructor said "I am going you to give missile from my pool" Go and Fire again.New tank was bought new missile was given and he calculated again

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and then fired and again it was a Misfire.It was like a chances in a Million for the same officer to misfire twice.He was so dejected that he was sure he is not going to pass out of that.

Then the Instructor Nair came and put his hand on the Officer Shoulder and gave him a Lesson-

He said "Sir,in Everyone fate in everyone's life some Missile misfires are written.Both of your misfired are ended in the training,not in the war zone" .

What he meant is "Each time you are defeated,you have failed to achieve something in your life.Remember a little bit of bad luck,and bad bread is there in everyone's life.If that bad luck goes away in college,it goes away when the stakes are low.Then its good that you have used up your bad luck at that time and after that good luck is still there which will be used by you."

Moral:Today if everything you think is going wrong thats good.Use your all bad luck consume it now and then the Turn will come of yours to use your Good luck!

Comment and let me know how you like the Story and your Views!!

Source[My Blog]:https://abhinavcreativepoems.blogspot.in/2017/12/a-bad-day-or-bad-luckis-it-actually-bad.html

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