The story of the series.This story has been downloaded from Google

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Season 1 Edit
Crystal Articrel 1 (Series)
Most of the events of the first season are between the states of Aleppo and Antioch in the thirteenth century, during the time of conflicts and conflicts between empires in the region. At the time of the Turkoman tribes, the Mongols and the Romans were fighting over the region.

As is the case today, Muslims suffered a lot of problems in the thirteenth century, especially the weakness of the Abbasid Caliphate, the refuge of Muslims everywhere. The world was waiting for a champion leader. Artegrel appeared to challenge all circumstances.

Artagirl bin Sulaiman Shah [2] and the father of the Ottoman founder Osman I began the search for a piece of land to settle with his tribe of 400 tents to end their sufferings and movements after a long period of danger and lack of security and research and instability. The Roman Empire and the Mongols were his greatest enemies, As hopes and despair ebbed, Artgerel confronted all these difficulties and defeated his enemies with the determination of patience and intelligence to give his tribe land where they settled. Thus ending their long suffering. To become the man who changed the map of the world building the foundations of the Ottoman Empire, which spread in the three continents of the ancient world.

After the Mongols harass the Kaye tribe, the tribe suffers from poverty and cold in the harsh winter. It goes to the state of Aleppo on the proposal of "Gun Dugdo," the eldest son of Suliman Shah, where the governor of the "Aziz" city grants them a piece of land in Antakya.

The Kai tribe begins with their own new land, with Artgerel intervening to save a Muslim family from the Romans, and later discovers that the family follows the Seljuk dynasty and married her daughter Halima Khatoun.

The series shows Artgrel struggles with treason, spies and hard-line warriors, in a journey fraught with danger, deception and pain. It also monitors friendship, sacrifice, altruism, courage, courage and love.

The Second Season
Crystal Articrel 2 (Series)
The second part of the series deals with the migration of the Qai tribe and its search for new land and in the way is under attack by the Mongols led by Baigu Nuyan and kills in this attack a large number of fighters and parents, forcing the tribe to resort to another tribe is the Dodurga and its master is Korcott Bay, Khali Artagarl and his brother Hema Khatoun [3].

⭐ Conflict with traitors and with the Mongols in this part

The two tribes merge and many problems arise because of the jealousy of the wife of Korkut Bey and because of the sedition by the traitors under the direction of the Seljuk prince Saaduddin Kubik and the injustice practiced by the Mongol leader Baiju Nuyan. At the end of the section, Artegrel emerges with a group of two tribes northward near the Byzantine territories and there are many interesting events awaiting them in the third part of the series.

Season 3 Edit
Crystal Articrel 3 (Series)
The third season follows the transfer of the Qayi tribe under the leadership of Artagarl to the Seljuk state borders with the Byzantine state, and then the conflicts with the Byzantines and betrayals in the middle of the Turks and the aspirations of Prince Saad al-Din Kubk and the assassination attempt of Artgrel, but his influence gradually increases in the midst of all these difficulties. Hidden conflicts erupt with "Professor Simon", the owner of the Khan markets (in Turkish: Hanlı Pazar), who runs the Khan but secretly conceals that he is a knight, with the betrayals of some powerful Turks (such as the Chavdar Oral), so that Artegarl can finally capture the Khan And the administration of justice under the rule of the Qai tribe.

Vassilius was the commander of the warriors at the fortress of Karaja Sard (Karakahisar), but he assassinated Takfur al-Qalaa (his boss) during his friendly visit to the Khan, which was seized by Artgerel, to ignite the conflicts again after the friendship between Artgerel and Tekfor. Vassilius became the fortress of Karaja (Tkfor: a title used at the ends of the Seljuk state and the beginnings of the Ottoman Empire to refer to the leaders of the independent or semi-independent Christian minority regions, or to refer to the local Byzantine rulers of Asia Minor and Thrace)

Then there are the conflicts with the takfur "Vassilius" amidst the numerous betrayals of some Turkish presidents such as Ural, Saad al-Din Kubik and the betrayal of the new takfur "Vassilius" of the Byzantine king in order to rhythm among the Turkish tribes. But Artgarle takes control of Karahahisar castle in the end. Historically, Artgrel after long conflicts was actually conquered with the other Turkish princes of the fortress of Karaja Siege in 1231-1232 (refer to the Artgrel page of historical information).

Season 4 Edit
It began on 25 October 2017 [5] [6], in which a large number of tribal fighters were killed by a plot of the new Takfur "Aris" commander of the castle of Karhahisar, but survived Bamsey and Artuk, He was killed.images (26).jpgimages (25).jpgunnamed.jpg

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