Chapter 2:Cave surrounded by the cyan dragon(CSCD)

in #story7 months ago

I survived by doing odd jobs, but suddenly I found myself totally broke after coming to Chongqing three months ago. After months of sleeping on park benches and eating whatever I could find, I finally managed to get a job as a laborer at a construction site in the suburb of Yuzhou. Although I had to work long hours for little pay, it was better than nothing.

One night, while driving a truckload of laborers to the construction site, I met Xiao Lianshan, who was sitting by the roadside with a look of exhaustion and despair on his face.

Xiao Lianshan and I were about the same age, but he looked much tougher and more mature than me. He had been wandering around Chongqing for a few months, doing whatever odd jobs he could find to survive.

The car stopped in an unknown place in the countryside, and the village was surrounded by several acres of farmland. We were led to a spot where someone was already digging a hole. Xiao Lianshan and I were each given a shovel and told to start digging.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked a man who seemed to be in charge.

"Just dig," he said impatiently. "We're not here to chat."

I was puzzled, but I could sense that something wasn't right. Why would they be digging a hole in the middle of nowhere at this hour? And why were they being so secretive about it?

As I dug, I noticed something strange. The soil smelled of lacquer trees and had a faint fragrance. Suddenly, it dawned on me. "This is the location of the CSCD!" I exclaimed. "This is a prime Feng Shui spot that is said to bring great blessings and prosperity to its inhabitants."

"Whoa, you're good at this stuff," said Xiao Lianshan, looking impressed. "So what's so special about this place?"

"I've only learned a bit from the books in the underground library of the Qin family," I replied. "But from what I can tell, this is a Feng Shui spot that is in a prime location. If this is indeed a CSCD, then its inhabitants are sure to enjoy great blessings and prosperity."

"Well, that's great," said Xiao Lianshan. "But why are we digging a hole here?"

"I'm not sure," I said. "But I have a feeling that something isn't right."

Just then, I saw a man with a tattoo on his arm approaching us. "Hey, you two! Stop talking and start digging!" he shouted. "We have a tight schedule here."

Xiao Lianshan and I exchanged a glance and continued digging. But we were both on high alert, ready to defend ourselves if necessary.

Suddenly, I noticed that Xiao Lianshan wasn't digging anymore. He was staring at the man with the tattoo, his eyes fixed on him in a fierce, unwavering gaze.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

"Nothing," said Xiao Lianshan, his voice low and tense. "Just keep digging."

I knew that something wasn't right, but I didn't want to ask any more questions. I just hoped that we could finish this job and get out of here alive.

As we dug, I couldn't help but think about the Feng Shui of this place. If this was indeed a CSCD, then why was it so barren and desolate? And why were these people digging a hole here in the middle of nowhere?

Just then, I heard a shout from one of the laborers. "I think I've found something!" he shouted.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and crowded around the hole. I saw a dark object emerge from the soil, and as I got closer, I realized that it was a coffin.

"Damn it, it's a tomb!" shouted the man with the tattoo. "Who the hell is buried here?"

I suddenly realized what was going on. These people weren't here to dig a hole, they were here to dig up a tomb!

I looked around at the other laborers, and I could see the fear and confusion in their eyes. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into.

"Who is in charge here?" I shouted. "Who gave you permission to dig up this tomb?"

No one answered my question. Instead, I saw the man with the tattoo reach into his pocket and pull out a knife.

"Enough talk!" he shouted. "We have to finish this job before anyone finds out. Everyone, start digging!"

The laborers looked hesitant, but they knew they had no choice. They picked up their shovels and started digging again.

I looked at Xiao Lianshan, and I could see the determination in his eyes. He was ready to fight if necessary.

I quickly surveyed the situation. There were about a dozen laborers, all of them armed with shovels and knives. The man with the tattoo seemed to be in charge, and he was the most dangerous one.

I reached into my pocket and took out a small bamboo stick. This was a weapon that I had learned from the Qin family's underground library, and it was sharp and deadly.

Xiao Lianshan saw what I was doing and nodded approvingly. He too reached into his pocket and took out a small knife.

"Ready?" I whispered.

"Ready," he replied.

We both took a deep breath and charged at the laborers. I aimed my bamboo stick at the man with the tattoo, while Xiao Lianshan attacked the closest laborer.

There was a sudden commotion as the laborers realized what was happening. Some of them tried to fight back, while others tried to run away.

I lunged at the man with the tattoo, but he was fast. He dodged my attack and swung his knife at me. I ducked and rolled to the side, avoiding the blade.

Xiao Lianshan was having more luck. He had already taken down two laborers and was fighting another one. He was fast and deadly, and his movements were fluid and precise.

I quickly got to my feet and joined the fight. I aimed my bamboo stick at the man with the tattoo again, but he was too quick. He lunged at me, and I had to parry his attack with my stick.

We fought for a few more minutes, but it soon became clear that we were outnumbered. The laborers were starting to surround us, and we were running out of options.

Just then, I heard a shout from behind us. "Stop!" it said. "All of you, stop!"

I turned around and saw a man standing at the edge of the hole. He was dressed in a simple robe, and he looked like a scholar.

"Who are you?" shouted the man with the tattoo. "And what do you want?"

The scholar ignored him and walked towards the coffin. He looked at it for a moment, then turned to us.

"This is a tomb of a noble family from the Han dynasty," he said. "It is a historical artifact, and it belongs to the people of this country. You have no right to dig it up."

"Who cares?" shouted the man with the tattoo. "We're here to make money, not to worry about history."

The scholar shook his head. "You are ignorant," he said. "This tomb is part of our cultural heritage, and it deserves to be protected. If you continue to dig, you will be destroying a part of our history."

The man with the tattoo looked defiant. "We don't care about your history," he said. "We just want the money. And if you try to stop us, we'll make sure you regret it."

The scholar looked at him calmly. "I am not afraid of you," he said. "I will do whatever it takes to protect this tomb."

Just then, I saw something in the scholar's hand. It was a small bag, and it was filled with a strange powder.

Without hesitation, the scholar threw the bag into the hole. There was a sudden explosion, and a cloud of smoke rose up from the hole.

The laborers screamed in horror as they were engulfed in the smoke. I coughing and choking, trying to stay away from the cloud.

When the smoke cleared, I saw that the laborers were all lying on the ground, unconscious or dead. The man with the tattoo was lying at the edge of the hole, his eyes wide open in shock.

The scholar looked at us. "You two are brave," he said. "But this is not your fight. You should go."

Xiao Lianshan and I exchanged a glance. We had no choice but to leave. We picked up our shovels and started to walk away.

As we left the construction site, I couldn't help but think about what had just happened. That scholar, whoever he was, had saved us from a dangerous situation. But I also knew that we were in deep trouble. The man with the tattoo and his gang wouldn't let us go easily. We had to be careful.
In less than two hours, the hole was dug through to the main tomb chamber. It could be seen that Liu Hao was also an expert. Presumably, this place had been surveyed many times before, and the location of the tomb had been determined.

The person sent down soon climbed out, wiping the mud off his face as he looked at Liu Hao and dared not speak.

"Well? Say something!" Liu Hao urged impatiently.

"Yes, there is a tomb."

Hearing there was a tomb, Liu Hao's eyes lit up. With a pleased look on his face, he stared at me. The person who had gone down to explore added, "However, the three-meter-high tomb is completely flooded, and everything inside has rotted."

I saw Liu Hao deflate like a punctured balloon, sitting on the ground in a daze for a long time before he reluctantly took out a cigarette and lit it. After taking a deep drag, he said unhappily, "How could you have guessed it?"

I didn't guess.In less than two hours, the hole was dug through to the main tomb chamber. It could be seen that Liu Hao was also an expert. Presumably, this place had been surveyed many times before, and the location of the tomb had been determined.

The person sent down soon climbed out, wiping the mud off his face as he looked at Liu Hao and dared not speak.

"Well? Say something!" Liu Hao urged impatiently.

"Yes, there is a tomb."

Hearing there was a tomb, Liu Hao's eyes lit up. With a pleased look on his face, he stared at me. The person who had gone down to explore added, "However, the three-meter-high tomb is completely flooded, and everything inside has rotted."

I saw Liu Hao deflate like a punctured balloon, sitting on the ground in a daze for a long time before he reluctantly took out a cigarette and lit it. After taking a deep drag, he said unhappily, "How could you have guessed it?"

I didn't guess.CSCD is a rare Feng Shui formation. If it is buried inside, the ten miles squre will be blessed with blessings. However, here is very barren, which can only mean that the tomb's Feng Shui has been disrupted. CSCDhates water. In feng shui, it is said that "hidden wind and gathered Qi". Once the tomb is flooded, it will definitely be scattered and the air will escape, causing disaster to ten miles around.

Although I roughly knew that the tomb was flooded, I still couldn't be sure. I also smelled the soil above the tomb. There was the smell of lacquer trees that had rotted, and a faint fragrance mixed with it. Lacquer trees are an important component in making lacquerware, and lacquerware was very valuable in the Western Han Dynasty. Ordinary people could not afford it, let alone be buried with it. However, lacquerware is not easy to preserve. If the tomb is not sealed properly, it is easy to rot. The fragrance in the soil is the smell of rouge that has dissolved in water after being evaporated and mixed into the ground soil. With these, it is not difficult to see that it is a woman's tomb from the Western Han Dynasty.

After hearing what I said, Liu Hao was dumbfounded. If it weren't for the cigarette burning his finger, he wouldn't have reacted. He threw away the cigarette and jumped up from the ground. The first reaction was that I was angry and wanted to hit me. Xiao Lianhan immediately pulled me behind him and tightened his fist.

Who knew that Liu Hao would change his face as fast as turning a page and give me a bright smile, stuffing the stack of money into my hand from the front of the car.

"Wrong, wrong, haha, I didn't expect to have such a master today. I was blind. Please forgive me for any offense. As the saying goes, we didn't know each other before, so let's be friends."

For the first time, I felt that money could be heavy. The stack of money in my hand made me feel an indescribable pleasure. However, I was very clear that taking people's money would make me owe them. Moreover, most of Liu Hao's money was probably not clean. Liu Hao wanted me to help him find more tombs.

I pushed the money back to Liu Hao, who was a little surprised.

"Did you make a bet?"

Liu Hao took a deep breath, looking a little disappointed, and waved helplessly. His subordinates gave way, and I walked forward without looking back. Suddenly, I remembered that the day I was cut off by Qin Yi, I also left like this. Later, I regretted not taking the five yuan he gave me.

Many years later, when I recalled the past, I suddenly realized that Liu Hao gave me the stack of money, whether I took it or not, my fate had already been determined. In fact, I should be most grateful to Liu Hao. Without meeting him, perhaps I would still be just a porter!

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