Nicaragua Update 9

in #story-mentor6 years ago


photo courtesy 100% Noticias

As promised this is a report on the reactions to yesterday’s National Dialogue.

Of course, the violence has not stopped. Last night saw the deaths of a priest, an 18-month-old child and a Guatemalan reporter (who died being in the wrong place at the wrong time). More of the metal tress of life have been destroyed. (The vice president’s pride and joy).

Let’s take a look at The Vice President’s official take on the National Dialogue:

"We just returned from the installation of the national dialogue and I want to thank the boy (the presidential advisor) who read a poem of mine, written on the Christmas of the earthquake (1972) that destroyed Managua, and written when my son of a year and a half died, buried under the walls from our house in San Antonio; and well I appreciate that you have read this poem that tells me a lot, deep feelings, feelings of pain that all mothers feel when we lose a child. That December was very painful, I had to go to pick up my son at my dad's house and my mother's house. He had fallen from the second floor, "said Murillo.

She said that they came to the dialogue with respect which is outside of their normal protocol.

"We have left the level of responsibility that animates this government. We arrived with a level of respect. An act that transcends the limits of a ceremonial activity, that we want to commit ourselves all, to present our sorrows, our indignations and to do it with the best education, with the maximum respect...

We went to the dialogue with high hopes, with the greater confidence, and from the circumstances that occurred there, we keep hoping to continue working in dialogue, in peace. We do not want to live in conflicts again. We do not want to go back to the past. We want to find the justice we are crying out for. Mothers want justice. They want clarification.”

"With the best that characterizes our president, we continue to dialogue, our commitment to continue building dialogue and peace...”

”Friday will continue the dialogue. There we will be with all the integrity, seriousness, maturity. A month ago Nicaragua was at peace, but unexplained events took place. These are difficult times, but also times to build new victories. We go from darkness to light, through God." added Murillo.

The different parties participating in the National Dialogue described the talks as disappointing.

"Our position is one of deep disappointment, of having come to a national dialogue, with a clear agenda that was to ask for justice, to bring to justice those responsible for the crimes committed. We brought the democratization of the country as an agenda and we were told about another world. We were told about another situation. We regret that this type of unique opportunities has been wasted,” said Juan Sebastián Chamorro, President of FUNIDES.

The president of the Union of Agricultural Producers of Nicaragua (UPANIC), Michael Healy, who pointed out that President Daniel Ortega does not see what is the reality in Nicaragua.

”I would say that he is riding in a helicopter, in case he is afraid of being killed, and that he will travel the country to see the situation. That is the duty of a president to take clear and concise measures," he said.

"They are talking about economic issues when we want to talk about constitutional issues, which is the real problem that Nicaraguans have. Here the electoral law has to be clear where Nicaraguans can go out to vote and elect their authorities without their vote being stolen." He added.

"I do not think the talks gave good results, because here they (Ortega and Murillo) come to talk about political issues when we want to talk about constitutional issues. He (Ortega) lives in the world of El Carmen, he is not seeing the reality of this country... as things are. I saw a president who is not interested in solving this problem. What we are going to do is that we are going to analyze whether or not we are going to the dialogue on Friday... Today we expected a positive response from the President and we had a negative response. Michael Healy, president of UPANIC.

The President of the Supreme Council of Private Enterprise (COSEP), José Adán Aguerri, said:

"among all Nicaraguans, starting from the first that is the safety of young people and the population and then absolutely going to the investigation of what has happened. We have to find other issues that are put, in democratization, in the way out, so that we put the country back in the first place, Nicaragua cannot be destroyed again. We hope that the dialogue will find that.”

Educator and essayist, Dr. Carlos Tünnermann, stressed that Nicaragua needs fair and transparent elections, because

"here we have not had any since the Lord returned to power. Ortega."

"I believe that the citizens of Nicaraguan could observe that, in this dialogue. It dominated in the agenda, the demand of young people. Ortega brought his own agenda, but the young people imposed theirs because they are the ones who have been at the forefront of this struggle and they are the ones who have buried the dead and it is true what they said, they were not criminals who died, they were students."

The University Movement April 19 and civil society have made it clear that while Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo remain in power, the protestors will continue in the streets demanding democracy, justice and freedom for Nicaragua.



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I'm so sorry for the loss of innocent lives still continuing :'( :'(

It is always the innocent that suffer. I honestly don't know what they are thinking when they say there have been no innocent deaths, that the protestors are all criminals...

I am glad you found the strength to post an update on the situation in Nicaragua. It must be very hard to see the country in such a state. I hope your family is unharmed, but it is so sad to read that there is still no democracy, justice, and freedom in Nicaragua. Daniel Ortega should know better from his own past a long time ago. I do hope the talks continue and that a solution will come in the very near future.
I wish you a lot of strength, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Thank you, Clio. You would think that he would remember, but I think the power and the glory, not to mention the money has tainted his values. And those of his wife. Between the two, I am not sure who is the worst.

thanks @cecicastor for more information on the situation, I'm sure many on this platform are joining in prayer for you and the country. God bless.

Prayers are really needed in this situation. Whatever they are thinking has no basis in reality.

The power really got into his mind in this, forgetting all what has happened in the past already.

The bad thing of all this is that it is the people who are suffering from it. Plain ordinary people.

I have no idea what they are thinking...but the people are suffering.

So many words - and so little said. Thank you for your updates. I continue to hold you in my thoughts and prayers daily. xox

A lot of empty words...

I'm so sorry. xox

Thanks for upd dear 💗
Hope you soon can get your self some rest, its been horrific lately for you :(
I hope they keep talking and strive for peace

I don't think that will happen soon. Three more deaths last night. And they attacked a church where prayers were being said for peace...

uffa, lets hope it do... soooon... sadens me to hear :( OmG thats juust evil... churches are a place to find sefty and comfort..

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