"We are accidents waiting to happen" (cit.)

in #story-300words7 years ago

It could have all happened one evening. By chance. Just a dark-haired girl meeting a tall, cute guy.

It could have all been a matter of coincidences. A matter of luck or fate. Or destiny.

Just a smile. Always on her face, because she loved smiling at life. And just a gaze of that smile. Because he loved to actually look at people he met.

And he met her smiling eyes and he thought he had been at all those parties to succeed in meeting them, even if he didn’t know who they belonged to. And now he had the chance to discover it. And it was the right thing to do.

Because in the thousand of possible coincidences that could happen in our lives, there are some moments in which we know they simply don’t happen by chance. There is an actual, hidden reason that lead us to that moment.

And to understand this reason, we need to directly face it. And an entire world of possibilities starts from that moment.

It is a matter of choices to let them start.

He choose the possibilities. He choose the new world. He choose the destiny. He choose her.


Sarebbe potuto succedere tutto una sera qualsiasi. Per caso. Lei, capelli scuri, neri, incontra lui, alto, bello.

Sarebbe potuta essere una questione di coincidenze. La fortuna, il fato. O il destino.

Un sorriso. Sempre stampato sul volto, perché lei ama sorridere alla vita. Uno sguardo a quel sorriso, gettato per caso nella moltitudine della folla. Perché lui ama osservare le persone che incontra.

E incontrò quegli occhi sorridenti e pensò che tutte le feste a cui era stato, tutti i posti visitati, ogni luogo esplorato era per incontrare quegli occhi. Anche se non sapeva a chi appartenessero.

Adesso poteva scoprirlo. Ed era la cosa giusta da fare.

Perché tra le migliaia di possibili coincidenze che possono accadere nella vita, ci sono momenti che non arrivano per caso. C’è una forte ragione nascosta che ci spinge a quel momento.

E per comprendere quella ragione, quell’istante va affrontato. E un intero mondo di possibilità inizia da quel preciso attimo.

è una questione di scelte, per far sì che qualcosa inizi.

Lui scelse le possibilità. Scelse il nuovo mondo. Scelse il destino. Scelse lei.


Radiohead - There There



Strangers in the night. Sometimes some things happen which can never be explained. Love at first sight is one of them. That’s a lovely story.

It is one of my favorite songs, indeed :)
Thank you!

He chose her! Choice. Love is about choice. I love love, i love being in love, i don't care what it does to me. Love at first sight...love at first glance. Let me swim in the ocean of love and let it drown me.

Love at first sight... I have a friend with that attribute,he fall in love anytime he meet with new people.

I think everyone at least once in life has experienced it!

Sure! In fact some do lead into marriage,but not all.

there are some moments in which we know they simply don’t happen by chance. This is actually true, we meeting is not by chance but it is destiny. Nice work, you are a good writer. Love this piece

Thank you so much for appreciating it and spending time reading my words :)

Anytime, I love your work.

........He choose the possibilities. He choose the new world. He choose the destiny. He choose her.....

And what a first time experience it was! Many years later, after the aisle, after the ups and downs, he would look back on that day, that place...he would look back on that moment, and confess the same of her,

This heart you knew,
it still skips,
and throbs

these knees you held,
they still knock,
and wobble

and my cheeks,
you liked to stroke,
they still blush,

at your sight,
i still tremble,
just like the first time

I have tried to fit into the essence of your story, and quickly tried to connect to its finale with a poem of my own!!! In it, i try to capture the essence of nervousness of the first time you here describe, and connect that to the idea of unfading adoration, in accordance with the insinuation your story makes. Thanks, your work is good.

It is simply wonderful!! Thank you so much :)

The honor is mine. I am glad i shared in the experience of your characters.

Bella ❤️

Curioso che tra le storie che ho letto finora quelle degli uomini siano alcol, amici, guerra, ecc e quelle delle donne siano tutte romantiche. Tranne @gianluccio, che è a mezza via!

L'equilibrio su cui si basa il mondo :)

Molto dolce...

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