300words short story; An interrupted homework

Paul decided to do his quantitative homework, though it was difficult, he was determined to make a credit pass on it.


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Paul, suddenly looked up from his book, in a lazy way at first, to see what had made the noise he heard. Then he went stiff with fright. At an arm length away from his chair, something moved. A shape gilded smoothly along the widow frame. He saw a flat head held up by a slender neck.

Homework interrupted!

The snake stopped and lay without moving. It looked dead. But all the time it was trying to sense if any food was in the room.


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Paul felt trapped in his chair, yet he knew he must warn his sister. He thought of what his father had told him about snakes so often. He wanted to wisper, but his mouth and tongue were dry with shock. He dare not move. His throat clicked as he tried to utter some sound. If only she could look at him.

Rose must have felt that there was something strange about Paul's silence, for she turned her head to glance at him. When she saw the fear on his face, she swiftly shifted round, looking at his glazed eyes. She moved her head to see what those eyes were fixed on, then covered her mouth to stifled her gasp of terror.

She looked again at him, wandered what to say to him...too afraid to speak, what should we do? She questioned in her heart as though he could hear her. She moved her head again and realized the snake was moving towards her and she screamed NO!!! And woke up only to find Paul tapping her to wake up..
Oh it was a dream!

The end ..294 words

What title will you give it? What lessons have you learnt? Though fictious, it goes beyond the story

It simply what distraction/fear could do to you.

Paul in the fiction, was distracted by a noise, only to discover it was a snake. Symbolically, the snake represents any challenging situations or circumstances.

We live in a world of survival of the fitest, we all are aiming towards a goal, the question is how focused are you? What are those things holding you back? What are those distractions that have interrupted your dreams? Paul couldn't continue that homework!


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You have to be determined to push back the chair and continue that work, the snake(challenge or situations shouldn't stop you, don't let even fear cheat you. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. It's time to wake up , stop dreaming and get that goal achieved.

A big thank you to @swissclive for an opportunity like this

Thanks for reading and your upvotes @steemians



Nice work here, really like the story..

Hmm nice one dear

good story, it's clear that you tried, I support you!
I hope that in the future you will also develop your content

Poor little Rose. After all it was just a dream. Well written story :)
Keep it up

Thanks @steemians for your upvotes and comments

Thanks for the scary story about Rose’s snake dream and Paul tapping her. Good one.

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