in #storj8 years ago (edited)

Ladies & Gentlemen presenting to you - my new found c0in! Yes I am in l0ve 0nce again! Gotta l0ve the Crypt0-space! If you haven't taken the time to go over all of my MINING MY BUSINESS series then I highly recommend taking a little time out to go over them, starting with the first - You will notice me speaking of a company by the name of "SuchFlex". They were planning on doing basically the same thing but when my new PC arrived, they discontinued their service. So, it led me to learn how to mine on my own well, sort of! I'm currently using which is pool-like. I could have ventured off into mining 'FeatherC0in' by myself but didn't like the whole idea of loading up the whole blockchain(transactions).

This system provides many advantages over traditional storage solutions...

Essentially, users are willing to provide their extra storage space in exchange for a monetary reward...

Storage Space -

Change Is Here!

Couple 0f C0mments you will see on the site when 0r if you visit -
Anand Babu -

Vitalik Buterin -

Tyler Scriven -

Well, hope ya enjoyed the post as much as I enjoyed finding & reading about this C0in. And yes I've been heard of this coin but never looked into it till today after going over some emails I neglected to go over during this week.
SO EXCITED! I'm getting started right after this post ;)


Storj is still working on the micro payments. As for profits lets wait another month or two till we will know what it will look like.

Do you think it'll be safe to continue mining via Nicehash while also mining Storj and 0r Burtc0in from the hard drive? I will basically have all three working@once(Cpu/Gpu/HD) ;)

Well, NiceHash and Storj are fine, not quite sure about BurstCoin, as it also uses the HD unless you have separate drives for StorJ and BurstCoin. But I'm on a XMR pool and Storj, right now.

I wonder why I wasn't notified of this reply, hmmm! Anyway, glad to hear you utilizing your system to mine from multiple resources within your system . Now that I know that this can be accomplished, I will go ahead & start my Plots@the end of the week. And just to let you know, I didn't mean to mine all three coins@once, just via 'Nicehash' and a pick between Storj 0r Burstcoin. I'm excited as I can mine these HD-C0ins and convert them into Steem ;)
Thx4the reply ;)

Same here, makes the system seem profitable. I wanted to try Burst but IE wont update on the box so I have not decided to convert the box to linux yet. But if I had 2 drives or 1TB split between Storj and 1TB BurstCoin

You can even take half of your mined coins and trade for STORj so that can have both coins accumulating. But yeah, '3URST' IS THE BUSINESS!
Updates coming within the hour ;)

I forgot to mention I am not CPU mining only GPU so the CPU can do both jobs

Another question regarding 'Burstc0in' if you don't mind - Do you know how to go about inputting the "public-key"? here is what is stated after sending some Burst from Poloniex on over to my Burst Client(Windows) -

Hope you can assist me with this as I am awaiting for approval to join the forum site on over

So you are saying that you GPU mine XMR and CPU for Storj(HD)?
I have a question for you - Do you think it's safe to "PLOT" while continuing to mine? Like I've already stated, I currently mine over@'NiceHash' and I do not want to stop my mining process till it pays me out this coming Saturday(12-29-16). I can't take it anymore and wish to start today ASAP!
0r do you believe it's best to stop the mining process to start the 'PLOT', then continue with mining(nicehash) while plotting? I here it takes around 24hrs to finish plotting. Please do respond as soon as you can so I can get on with this ;)
Glad I have someone I can talk to about this stuff....

As for the burstcoin wallet issue, I have not used Burstcoin so I'm not sure what the issue would be. So I'm sorry I don't know the answer to that question.

3URST Updates on the way this coming wknd ;)

Thx for the reply and it's ok I figured out the issue. And I avoided downloading the whole Blockchain by simply downloading the blockchain files and extracting them on over to the AppData(db) folder(Windows) My plotting of Burstcoin is almost complete if not, done! I had fun lastnight getting everything ready for Burst mining.
Plotting is the only time it takes up lot's of CPU power but after the plotting, all Hard Drive! All mining should be this way as we need to go GREEN! Our environment is already messed up with all this car/factory pollution and cig and what not smoke ;)

Reply to below, sorry not not CPU mining at all, if you are using the CPU to mine you will have to open a thread or two in order for it to handle the processes to GPU mine or to share the hard drives.

The CPU obviously controls the processes the system is working on. As for the plotting, I would think since that does use the CPU, or GPU if you want it to go faster it could be ok and still mining. For both BurstCoin and Storj from what I know the CPU does not do much if anything. I am not an expert, but I try things out and see if it hits my performance.

Yes I continued mining while preparing for Burstc0in. I had to restart computer however after downloading Burst Client Wallet. So the nicehash mining was temporarily stopped but it's ok.

Nice, how big is your drive for the burst mining? and post an update in like a week to a month on how your doing, I will update again late January after I get Decembers payout for Storj. Seems like people here love the beyondbitcoin updates.

Well, I was able to plot some space on my C.Drive to make up the lost on my D.Drive(Burst-Mining). 2TB but was only able to utilize 1855 of the space. NOW, I'm actually getting 2TB and am getting fabulous results ;)
Updates coming within the hour...

Beyondbitcoin updates I will continue to checkout and I am mining 2TB(a bit less as it never gives you the whole amount) I have more space on my C:Drive as well if decide I need or want more. And yes I will update ;)
The 2TB is built-in and was not being used so, I'm excited!

Do you have any thoughts on how much profit can be earned? I asked on the storj slack and they told me theres not much profit to be made.

I wish I can say but I don't even know. But I believe & feel that it will be profitable;)
I just know! I will report back within a few days to let you know my progress

I am now in the profitable side of things ;)
Plotted some more space on my C.Drive so now I have exactly 2TB of mining space mining 'Burst' rather than STORj.

Here is a comment I ran into that states:
"All sounds wonderful until you actually try it. They will only use about 1% of your allocated storage and you only get paid once per month. For HDD mining there is another cryptocoin called Burstcoin that uses 100% of your allocated storage and pays much better and much more frequently once per day minimum".

I will try out Burstcoin first and next time I won't post until I have actually tried for myself. I just g0t too excited ;)
Well, I still had to get this new mining way of things out in the open for ppl to get there eyes open to new way of things...

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