THE INVINCIBLE HUNTERS (Unimaginable Seed) Episode 3 and 4

in #stories6 years ago


Tranquility circulated Jack’s apartment as the five guys looked at
one another amazingly. The seed was on top of the centre table.
As the gaze lingered among them, the white seed began to quiver
thereby activating a pandemonium. All adjusted away from the
table, even Frank who carried his lap-top. Karina held Jack closely
while Jennifer ran beside Randy. Only Frank was standing alone.
“Why is the thing quivering?” Jack broke the silence.
“I don’t know” Frank replied. Regardless the fact that he was
talent in science and technology, he had a fragile heart and can
be very scared of any little thing.
Jack slowly disengaged from Karina and wanted to pick the
vibrating seed up. Immediately his hand reached it, the seed
produced a fire then he withdrew
his hand instantly. The fire quench after that.
“Oh, my God! What was that?!” Randy shrieked as Jennifer held
him tightly. “Who brought this thing here?” he added.
“She did” Karina pointed at Jennifer then everybody directed their
eyes to her.
“Where did you get it?” Frank queried.
“In a forest” Jennifer replied fearfully. Just then, the seed stop
quivering and everywhere remained calm. Randy slowly wanted to
take it but it produced
fire again. “Jeez!” he withdrew his hand swiftly. Karina also tried
but the same thing happened.
“Does it mean that nobody will handle this stuff again?” Jack
provoked. He looked at Frank and said, “Try picking it too”
“No, I’m not gonna do that” Frank shook his head negatively and
moved backward. As the silence lingered, the seed began to float
in the air. Frank fell down when he wanted to run. Karina and
Jennifer held Jack and Randy the more respectively. They
watched the seed floating towards Jennifer’s direction then
stopped in her face. However, Jennifer had buried her face on
Randy’s shirt.
“Jane, i guess it wants you” Randy said calmly.
“No, no, no, i don’t wonna touch it
again. I’m so scared!” Jennifer replied still without looking up.
“Jane, just try it. You can do it” Jack interfered before Jennifer
gradually brought up her head. She glanced at everybody and
slowly stretched her hand to
take it. Surprisingly, the seed rested on her palm. One could see
her chest moving up and down due to terrifying external
respiration. Seeing that, Frank stood up from the floor where he
fell and adjusted his eyeglasses.
“You are the chosen one!”
“Chosen one?” Karina repeated
“Yes, I’m not quite sure but the
significant of what just happened now shows that Jane is to
protect the seed” Frank replied.
“Protect it from who?” Jack queried.
“The invincible hunters”
“Who de fuck are these hunters?!” Randy angrily disengaged from
“Shhhh..” Jack signed then all kept quiet. They could see the door
opened and hearing footsteps. “Can you hear that?” he whispered.
Jennifer quickly put the seed in her bag and went closer to Randy
for protection. Just then, an invisible force pulled her towards the
door as if she was being blown by a strong wind. She screamed.
Luckily, Randy caught her two hands pulling her backward.
“Help me!” Jennifer shouted.
“I got you!” Randy replied.
“Hang on, Jane!” Jack helped Randy and they were able to pull
Jennifer out from the invisible force then the door slammed close.
Everywhere became calm again as Jennifer hugged Jack tightly.
Though Karina became jealous but didn’t show it.
“That-was-probably-a-hunter!” Frank stressed.
“Hunting what?” Randy asked.
“Hunting the seed”
“The seed?” Jennifer disengaged herself from Jack. She checked
her bag to confirm if the seed was still there. Of course it was
there, so she exhaled heavily. “I have to leave now. I wonna see a
friend” she hurried towards the door.
“Jane!” Jack and Randy called at the same time then she turned
looking at both of them. The two guys were surprise, probably they
had the same thing in mind.
“What’s it?” Jennifer asked.
“Be careful” they replied at the same time again.
“Thank u” Jennifer hurried out then Randy and Jack looked at
each other.
One could see Jennifer driving speedily on the way. The day was
really getting dark but she never forgot her mother’s words
before she left the house. She could see people having party
beside the road as she drove. She was heading to Hannah’s
house. Hannah, known as Ann, was Jennifer’s best friend. She
was a witch, so as her family before they died. She was only living
with her grandmother who was also spiritually powerful. Jennifer
pulled over in front of their house. One could see dead grasses on
the roof of the building. She knocked at the door before Hannah
opened. She had the same height and body topology with
Jennifer but totally different in body chemistry and complexion.
She was always on black dresses and black wetlips. She hardly
smile too.
“Hi, Jane. Come in” Hannah said. Immediately Jennifer entered,
she locked the door…


The internal building was dark when Jennifer entered. She saw
wooden chairs at every angle of the sittingroom. The windows
were opened letting a gentle breeze in. At another angle was a
black piano where an old woman was playing a gentle tone-that
was Hannah’s grandmother. She had a grey hair on her head and
a white garment on her body. As Jennifer watched and listened to
what she played, she moved closer.
“What brought you here?” Hannah’s voice came from behind then
Jennifer turned thereby losing concentration on the grandmother.
“I came to see you” she replied.
“You look scared of something” Hannah noticed. Without altering
another word, Jennifer brought out the seed looking at Hannah to
see her reaction.
“Wow!” Hannah approached closer in amazement. “Where did you
get that?”
“I thought as a witch you are, you would know what it is” Jennifer
“I don’t know what it is” Hannah stretched her hand to collect the
seed but it produced fire again so she withdrew her hand
instantly. Just then, the grandmother stopped playing the piano
coz as a
powerful witch, she felt what just
“One of my friends said is some kind of medallion” Jennifer told
“You mean this thing gives life?”
“I don’t know, i don’t even know how it works. I found it in a
forest and it doesn’t seem to let any other person touch it but me.
I’m so confuse. I need answers to questions now!” Jennifer began
to breath heavily. The house remained quiet until they heard
footsteps from behind-that was Vena, the grandmother. The two
girls turned to look at her as she surprisingly went closer to
Jennifer and stretched her hand to
take the seed which produced fire again. But Vena soliloquized,
rotated her fingers and squeezed them then the fire went off
before she collected the seed. Jennifer couldn’t believe it!
“This is a seed of life” Vena began. “It’s power is unimaginable.
Decades ago before you were born, both spirits that wanted to
come back to life and other spiritually powerful human beings of
different calibers fought for this seed but none got it” she handed
the seed back to Jennifer. “I think history wants to repeat itself”
she concluded.
“What do you mean by that?” Jennifer queried enthusiastically.
“The invincible hunters which are also invisible are back. They
will never stop hunting you and the seed until you die and they
will eventually take the seed”
Hearing that, Jennifer’s heartbeat
changed, she glanced at Hannah then looked at Vena again. “But
why would they want to kill me?” she asked.
Vena smiled. “Why do u think no other person can handle the
seed but u? That’s because you are the chosen one. It’s a
prophecy and you have the supernatural powers to protect it”
“A prophecy? A supernatural power?” Jennifer wondered. “I’m
not a witch! I don’t have any power, I’m just an ordinary girl
“Sshh..” Vena interrupted her. “The
power is in you. The time has come for you to discover it. Ask
your mother what happened the day you were born”
The room became as quiet as a grave yard.
“What if i choose not to protect the seed and return it to where i
found it?” Jennifer broke the silence.
“It has already been prophesied. You have no choice my dear”
Vena replied then Jennifer put back the seed in her bag. She
hurried towards the door, clutched it open and went out. Hannah
watched her through the window as she drove out then she
turned to her grandmother.
“Granny, why must it be Jennifer instead of me?”
“Oh, dear, is that jealousy i see in your eyes?” Vena began. “You
can’t bear the burden she bears now”
“Are you saying that Jennifer is more powerful than i am”
“Certainly, yes” Vena turned to her piano while Hannah became
more jealous.
As Randy and Frank headed back home, so as Jennifer was on
speed going home too. Her parents, especially her mother has
questions to answer.
On the other hand, Jack sat quietly with Karina still reflecting on
what happened to Jennifer before she left the house. Also Karina
couldn’t get over on how Jack reacted before Jennifer.
“You have been so quiet since Jennifer left” Karina broke the
“I have a feeling that she’s in trouble” Jack replied.
“Or do you have feelings for her too?”
“Why would u ask me that?”
“Cut the crab! I saw the way you looked at her!”
“I don’t have time for this, please” Jack stood up into the room
while Karina followed him saying, “I know you don’t love me..”
Jennifer pulled over in front of their house and hurried inside to
see her parents still in the sittingroom. They sat together as
husband and wife. They were shocked the way Jennifer bagged
“Jane, have u lost your manners!” the father shrieked.
“What happened the day i was born, mum?” Jennifer asked
unabashedly then the parents looked at each other…
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