I Got Problems Most People Dont Have MY TESTIMONY

 SHABBAT SHALOM ... from me up in Canada eh , surrounded by pagan christianity even me a big newbie to all of this the last few years , my story is a sad tale of bad blood ... 5 yrs ago i was basically Agnostic believed in God but felt we dident have the right to "name him" ... till i found out aboot my grandpa ... i guess my testimony ... copy n paste here ... I became a born again Christian when ... after my father got himself perished a few years ago and after , because I found out his dad , my grandpa was a 33rd level Sith Lord Scottish Rite Free mason Spook out of the WW2 OSS ... I was seemingly in MK Ultra ... back when I was three years old (38 yrs ago) my grandpa wanted dad to sacrifice his first born (me) as free masons like to do ... my father (who was evil in his own right ... I grew up in "the life" ... lived up near a few people) I guess since I'm still here , decided not to ... in the masons you can go from 3rd level to 33rd over night if you sacrafice your first born son ... but my grandpa the mighty mason was than mysteriously defeated by a flight of stairs instead ... now I didnet find any of this out till 5 yrs ago when my father was murdured himself in a botched hit , well he survived the hit , robbed and went septic , death by liver failure from his wounds ... being that he was a low level mobbed up psychopath drug dealer ... I think all the Sith Lords in my family have been put down like the dogs they are ... only few of us remain not fallen to the darkside ... you see after father died I got all his books and grandpas obituary , showing me who grandpa was , my grandpa was a illuminati Under Boss ... finding all that out hurt WAY more than dad getting popped ... and I realized you have all these high up guys like the Clintons , bush crime family , Obama , the rockefellers , the rothschilds and many more secretly worshiping Lucifer (molach and the star of rempham) so I realized REAL FAST this war between heaven n hell ... its all real and we better choose a side cause the devil owns the fence ... I know I dident ask to be born into an illuminati family spewing all sorts of foul 33rd degree free masonry so in my darkest hour 4 yrs ago I saw Gonz Shimuras film Age Of Deceit and everything clicked everything changed for me after that and knew I had to do something aboot it ... I accepted Yahshua יהושע Jesus the Son and Yahweh יהוה God the Father in Heaven as my saviour seeing the truth fully and completely for what it is after 37 years on earth ... and every day my life has gotten a little better ever since ... im new to this , im still rough around the edges i occasionaly drop an S-bomb in my vids BUT NOW this is why i make vids on all sorts of things if my story helps one person ... mission acomplished ... and I try to take it one day at a time ... hear i go here as i walk with redemption in Yahshua יהושע Jesus the Son and Yahuah YAH יהוה God the Father in Heaven AMEN

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