When the stomach burns

in #stomach6 years ago


A large meal can remain heavy on the stomach and some people, after consuming one, suffer from heartburn. The pungent pain in the chest is not only unpleasant but also involves risks to health. Find out below how to prevent heartburn.
Heartburn means acid reflux accompanied by a burning or stinging pain behind the breastbone. These disorders occur when the acidic content of the stomach flows back into the esophagus (so-called reflux) because the sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus does not close properly. Normally, this muscle opens only in swallowing. Slight occasional heartburn can be unpleasant, but it is completely normal and usually harmless.

Health risks


Frequent and prolonged heartburn, caused by increased exposure of the esophagus to acid, can cause long-term inflammatory reactions, ulceration, narrowing of the esophagus and, in extreme cases, esophageal cancer.
If heartburn occurs several times a week and even at night, and is accompanied by disorders such as epigastria pain, vomiting and difficulty swallowing, it would be better to consult a doctor. It is advisable to avoid or reduce in time the risk factors that cause heartburn.

###Proper nutrition


• Support the digestive function by eating at regular times. Try to eat less, as rich meals overload your stomach. Also, the last meal of the day should be taken about three hours before going to sleep.
• Carefully chewing and eating slowly lightens the stomach, because thanks to saliva the digestion process is already started in the mouth.
• Foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain products, are well digestible and help prevent heartburn.
• Avoid foods and beverages that cause acidity. Fatty, sour, very seasoned or sweet foods, as well as coffee, stimulate the production of gastric acid.
• Improve the quality of life

• Continuous stress can promote heartburn since our stomach reacts sensitively to tensions. So try to reduce stress.
• Stop smoking: the nicotine weakens the sphincter at the mouth of the stomach and stimulates the production of gastric acid. Even the intake of alcohol relaxes the esophageal sphincter.
• Check your fitness, as the overweight increases the pressure on the stomach compromising the functionality of the sphincter.

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