How I stole a laptop .

in #stole8 years ago

It happened in the pre-examination season. I graduated from the eleventh grade and started preparing for the exam.
The background is as follows: our village school won a grant for free training 10-11X classes in the project "Teleschool". Distance learning, in other words. Advantage in the classroom for ease of learning was allocated about 15 laptops.
Students who wish to study at Teleschool, was three times a week after school to visit the classroom and engage.
What I did? Not ikeuchi personal computer at the time, I gladly signed up for training. Bypassed the ban, exposed a 60-year informaticki and hung out in all sorts of Vkontakte and others like them, in parallel, receiving three in Teleschool. Dolt that I take.
Each students was assigned to your laptop before leaving was cleaned back in a cardboard box. The box was signed by the name of the student. This is an important point)

And now, beginning of June, a few weeks before the exam, and I had to finish some tests in Teleschool for completion of the course.
I come into the classroom about half an hour before the closing of the office. Meet me out informaticka (T. M.).

T. M.: I ran into the dining room, Slav, while you do.
I: okay.

I go. Pull the laptop out of the box. Connect to the network. Try to run is not included. Check standing next to a PC -- is not included. Remember that it is possible in the teachers ' lounge is off the switch network. Go there. Not included. Turn it off and on again. Again check the laptop. Not included. Flip the switch - the lamp does not light up.
Put the laptop, clean the box and return back under the teacher's Desk, where all the laptops.
Sit down to wait for the teacher, because I'm in the office alone, and the key I have, naturally, no.
Approximately five to 17:00 it comes. I'm out, telling her that there is no electricity for that to work I failed, and I ran. Goodbye.

In the evening, about nine o'clock call. Calls Informatica. And troubled voice announces that we are with her tomorrow to the police to go, and that the laptop was missing.
I didn't ask -- she hung up.

The next day, at two o'clock she again called and said you need to approach the three in our Department.
Okay. Came. I went to the head of our Department (N).
N: Vyacheslav, did you know that the laptop was missing from the classroom?
Me: Yes. I T. M. called yesterday, said. No details.
N: What do you think about this?
I: In what sense? Laptop stolen - need to look for.
N: T. M., you can leave us with Vyacheslav?
Informatica, chewed his lip, startled and crawled out of the Cabinet.

N: Can you return the laptop? Yet it is not started, you can easily do.

To say that I have fuck-nothing to say.

I: so?
N: a Laptop went missing yesterday after you worked for him and left the office. There was someone else? T. M. conducted the inventory, and one laptop is not found. Explain?
I ohrenel. And I was frightened. Because physically the laptop, for which I worked, well, could not disappear.
Me: I walked out of the office when there were So M I'm your fucking laptop in your pocket that you have made?
N: In Short. Don't know anything. You sat in the room alone for about twenty minutes. You have a day to return the stolen.
I: Listen. I'm not a thief. Can make the case, and look for a normal laptop. If you need anything, I'll help. And give testimony.
My voice trembling slightly because he was a danger to a lot of trouble for nothing.
The chief became a little softer. Asked to call back T. M.
N: T. M., Vyacheslav said that the laptop was not taken.
T. M.: Yes, what could he be missing then! Glory, you're the only one sitting there!
I: I don't want that tone to talk. T. M., You are there, too, sat one!

In short, then another five minutes of kadotani about how I can blame her, etc.
Then I left.
And almost immediately I got a call from the school. Called the Director and asked to go.
In short, the dialogue took place approximately in the same key. "Bring the laptop, while it did not start. Why did you take it?! You need it, with ugolovkoy to contact, blah-blah-blah".
I was throughout conscious of school (grades 6-11) was always in conflict with teachers and administration, and, only when they were clearly wrong. In General, relations with almost all there was strained. This is due to the fact that I'm in the Director's office exploded, blurted out something that fucking laptop I will not rested, and if to brand me a "thief" and the court's decision, I'll still let them in.
And dumped from office.
On this day, I never touched.
And all night I was disturbed by one thought. HOW could somewhere to zadavalsya laptop from a cardboard box, which adorned my last name. If I put it in place at the entrance crossed with T. M., but she claims that the beginning inventory immediately after my departure.
Nothing is invented, except a fucking mystery. So the next day I decided to approach T. M., and talk to her.

Me: you sure You never went after we parted with You at the office computer?
T. M.: that's right. started to check everything.
I: and when the last time was the inventory?
T. M.: so in January was. every six months make.
Me: I just don't see where could have gone to MY laptop if I put it in place, and you came! and to make I could not, I even without packages, remember!
T. M.: YOUR laptop? who told you that YOUR laptop was stolen?
I froze. Slowly realized what she said...
I: AND WHO THE FUCK SAID OTHERWISE??! You told the police that stole the laptop, which I worked?!
T. M.: no..

I rushed to the office to the boss.
Knocked, coming in. Said Hello. Ask:

  • T. M. you said not stolen my laptop?
    N: Hmm. No.
    I: and that the last inventory was six months ago?
    N: neither.
    I: so, you realize that instead of 10 minutes, as you thought, stole the laptop, it could have been taken anytime over the past six months?!

The chief agreed with me. Immediately apologized for the harshness in the last conversation, said that this is due to the fact that he got sick of T. M., zadolbali calls from school. And said to me no more questions, and with T. M., he again will speak.
By the way, neither T. M. nor the headmistress after that I even tried to apologize. I honestly didn't care.

p.s. a year later, I am a student of the first course, on vacation, drove to the school. I really wanted to see the staff of our theatre Studio and the teacher. gone. and I came across T. M. she said Hello, called me to him and whispered conspiratorially:

  • Slava, are you there Perm anything about the laptop is not heard? not looking for?...

I did not find what to answer. just shook his head and dumped.

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