Interesting stat on S&P

in #stocks6 years ago


Interesting stat i found via twitter:

I am currently expecting stocks to keep rallying and then fall off further.

Many believe the bottom is in however.

What are your thoughts on thw stock market and if we will see a recession this year?


NIce to see you at the bttlefield. Next time you will beat me ;-)

Im too greedy and do jot buy enough cards

ha ha ha
In the beginning it was so easy to get a lot of betacards. But I think you started to play not at the beginnning. But yes - I have bought a lot of boosterpacks. It is a perfect way to make an angry 7 year old boy to be happy again . But my son has taking all my goldcards to his account :-)

Think of it as an investment. If you had some Max Leveled Alpha cards, those could be worth thousands of dollars somewhere down the road.

These things are going to e super rare very soon if people keep leveling up.

Not much of a chartist but there will be a January effect and start of year buying. The world has way too much cash and debt, only way out is a recession or inflation followed by an even larger depression.
When companies like Apple rather hoard cash at next to zero interest than invest (through buy backs) in their "strong buy" as so many analysts had rated their stock, you know something is up. When wealthy Chinese rather invest in overvalued foreign property than in their own rapidly growing economy, you also know something is up.
Let's face it, rapid productivity gains are over, people are retiring in the strongest economies and it's a race to the bottom with pricing.
Gotta be smart to find those gains, low fee indexing won't cut it when everyone does it.

Ich denke, dass alle Schreckensnachrichten auf dem Tisch liegen und das da erstmal nicht mehr viel kommen wird, sondern dass die Probleme eher abgearbeitet werden. Am Ende wird zb. der Handelsstreit mit China gelöst werden und das Leben geht weiter. Daher denke ich, dass die Kurse jetzt wieder steigen werden.

It’s all about data and given that we will start to see earnings and the last of 2018 data it could help support a bounce or stabilization given that it is still backward looking. However, pay close attention to guidance by the companies reporting as they will provide the next direction in sentiment as they look forward. No recession this year but a slowdown for sure which may lead to one in 2020.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think that you're probably right. I think the correction will halt at some point. Things will start going up again, and then it will drop even more than before. It could be a good time to get out if someone still has holdings in there.
Not investment advice.

The bottom is very likely to NOT be in. For a few years, we'll go down. The bottom will be in maybe 2-3 years from now.

I remember seeing those stats sometime ago. I fully agree with you on rallying and then falling further. I think that it it likely for us to see a new ATH before a crash. I don't follow stocks much. But it could be that we had the end of a wave 4. Alternatively we could be in an ABC correction. I'not that experienced in TA. I find the current market sentiments to be too mixed for any major crash. I made a poll after seeing your post. Let's see how the results will look like.

I also agree with many things @crypticat mentioned.

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