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in #stocks8 years ago

I found a fantastic free online trading journal called 'TradeBench.'

Nearly every successful trader agrees that a trading journal is a key component to continuing success.  The most important aspect of trading is mental discipline and following a system to the letter, and that's what a trading journal helps to do.

With the TradeBench trading journal I can set up trade plans, risk ratios, pre-buy checklists, upload charts and so much more.  I have to describe the reasons I want to make any entry trade and the reasons why I make an exit trade.  Then after some time has passed there is a review so that I can once again learn from the trade after all emotion associated with it has passed.

For anyone interested in trading stocks successfully I suggest you get started with this fantastic tool as soon as possible.



Thank you for posting geocurt,
is trade bench equally good to use when daytrading or is it more geared toward swing trading?

Sorry for the delayed reply - I've found steemit of minimal usefulness in finding good content so haven't been around much.
There are FAR better trading journals for day traders - the best one I saw was

Thank you for replying. Ok, that's good to know.

Steemit is of course far from ready to be mass adopted so far. As you noticed, it still lacks many basic features and a lot of posts that to some extent of course "earned" a lot of dollars didn't necessarily deserve the attention they got.

Anyways, if you ever decide to get back on steemit or you just want a place to chat. You're welcome in the Steemit Bar channel, at (I've also got a much less known crypto trading channel, but it's so far very quiet)

Be well geocurt, see you around! =)

If you are still active I would LOVE to catch up and join your crypto trading channel! I am now trading very actively both myself and with a bot I'm trying out. I would love to collaborate with you.

Great to hear from you! I'm active, although not trading for the moment and focused more on improving my health. The channel is

Feel free to contact me directly on or

I can recommend another one: - much better and easy to use.

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