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RE: Has the Fall Begun?

in #stockmatkets6 years ago (edited)

The last 2 weeks in the Dow Jones/ U.S. markets are a simple, clear, and broad demonstration of the fact that, from its' inception, the US Debt Dollar is a financial instrument which was set up to fail - thereby transferring massive amounts of wealth from the FIAT holders to those who hold physical commodities.

Not only is this a warning sign of things to come, it is a warning sign that, "The End" has already begun. It will continue to play out for a couple of months to a couple of years but, there will soon come a day or a weekend that will be the clear watershed moment that defines life before the crash, and after the crash. We are not at that moment right now, but soon will be.

It is inevitable.

Resistance is futile.

If you do not own a stockpile of hard assets like food, guns, and precious metals, you are... Well, I can't even say it - that would be rude. Please save yourself and get ready by purchasing your own stash of food and physical silver, because you can't have mine.

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