Stock markets will explode upwards by 30% on the currency resetsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #stock7 years ago

Let’s start by explaining what a currency reset is. Then I will prove to you why stock markets will rocket on the news.

The first thing to know is that the currency reset, when it comes, will be global. It won’t be just in the USA, or just in Europe. It may start in one of these places, but it will quickly spread.

I will use the USA as an example. There is a 50% chance that they will be the first to initiate a currency rest.

Executive Order

Be it hereby known that henceforth the USA shall introduce a new domestic dollar, the “US Domestic Dollar”, or “USDD” for short. One new USDD will be equal to one USD. Qualified individuals and companies may exchange the old USD for the new USDD on a one-for-one basis for a period of 30 days. The USDD shall be valid for all domestic payments. The USDD shall be used for the payment of all wages and salaries, for the payment of taxes, and for all goods and merchandise bought and sold within the United States.

Domestic bank balance of less than USD 10’000 will automatically be converted to new USDD.

All debts, public and private shall remain in the old USD.

Those who are not entitled, (non-qualified individuals and entities), to exchange at the 1:1 rate may change their old USD for new USDD, or vice-versa, via domestic or international foreign exchange dealers, at a rate to be determined by market forces.

Why the stock-markets will rocket on the news.

The news is particularly good for the economy. The old USD are likely to trade at a discount to the new USDD. This means that those who owe money in USD will be able to use new USDD to buy the cheaper USD.

This is good for those individuals who have mortgages. The value of their mortgages will drop. Their monthly payments will go lower. It will put more money in the hands of the consumer, boosting the economy.

It is good for companies which have bank loans, or which have issued bonds in USD. Their liabilities will fall, this driving up profits, and with it, the share price.

It is good for individuals and companies because tax rates will fall. The government can now discharge its national debt by more printing of the old USD. If servicing the National debt previously cost 13%, taxpayers can benefit from an equivalent reduction. Again this means higher profits for companies.

The national debt can be fully amortised over 30 years from newly printed USD.

More profit for corporations means higher share prices.

With the benefit of lower taxes and lower mortgages and lower costs on bonds, the stock market should scream “BUY”.


Everything is going to go up soon not looking forward to this at all and honestly its already happening I have already noticed some things rocketing up in price this seems to explain it, thanks for the info on the US Domestic Dollar @swissclive

At end of the day it's a fake on top of a fake. No real wealth is created. The numbers simply get fudged. When the existing omni-bubble pop, we may get into XDR. I'm not financial expert. But it looks plausible to me.

Either way Keynesian garbage can only kick the can a little further down the road. Without sound money principles, we will not have a stable, prosperous future.

I'm not used to hearing anyone speak enthusiastically about inflation. While it does make it easier for debtors (especially governments) to pay their obligations using freshly printed worthless paper, it destroys the value of money actually earned and saved. This rewards irresponsibility and punishes the people living within their means and saving for their future needs. That is why governments use fiat currencies, to paper over their irresponsibility. Exchanging the old fiat currency with a new fiat currency would only be a shell game to try to fool the people into thinking that they are doing something to solve the problem they caused when they removed the gold backing of the dollar. It makes the market look good for a time, but at some point, the bill will come due and the collector will want something of real value. Not a pretty piece of paper.

Took me a while to understand what you are saying.
This is a concept I have never heard of, maybe it might take place in the near future.
But what I want to know is that, will it benefit only those people having bank loans etc or will it "all round development"?

It’s always good to read opinions that are outside the box. I never thought of this. I’ve been noticing my grocery bill inching up more and more lately. If this is what will happen, it’s scary, but at least we’ll be prepared for it!

here the government wanted to do something similar, create a parallel currency called SUCRE, but it did not work, the remedy was worse than the disease. Now they want to use the yen as currency.
the worst part is that they have 16 years in ensallo and error

I am happy that this return with information of interest, is a subject that I do not know well, but I know it is important to study it. Greetings friend

I think that the US decision to make a second currency alongside the old dollar is a very important strategy for its economy
It is my opinion that the new dollar currency will have a word in the currency market
There will be a strong buy for this currency as it will be a strong currency
If this currency succeeds, I think that other countries will follow in the footsteps of America @swissclive

This is interesting - USDD is not something I've heard of before. Is there a source you got the main idea from I could check out? I happen to be too attached to cryptos to even consider the stock market anymore, aside from my retirement funds which are in indices. Hopefully the boom will be heavier on the crypto side anyway.

Whilst this will be good for assets of all kinds, including bitcoin, we must not forget that this will remove one of bitcoin’s key supports namely a potential collapse to zero of the old USD.

Since this will produce an economic boom, economically useful assets will be the major beneficiaries, like compaines selling goods and services.

There will be less need to hold non-productive assets like gold or bitcoin.

You're either a savior for introducing me to this potential scenario, or you just gave me nightmares about the security of my crypto in the long run. I'll read up some more on this, but do you have any sense as to how many years out something could be? Are we talking 5-10 years? Is this your theory or is USDD gaining traction around the world above my head?

You really make unique posts. This for the dollar and the new dollar is really worth the information if we know that we use it. When is the new currency expected? @swissclive tip! 0.1

Time scale won’t be published. It is secret. Nobody will ring a bell to tell you when to buy.

It’s like an earthquake. There might be tremors, but you don’t know if or when the big one is coming.

I'm following your posts, I'm waiting for information from you. Thank you, you're great

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