Hello my followers and my loyal family I have come back strongly to motivate and advance my Imam

in #stimulus6 years ago

Hello Steemit

In his future decree, man is born with plates of success and several schemes that he dreams of being able to throw into his collection and to achieve his goal. But is desire and imagination sufficient to reach what he wants? Certainly not, if not accompanied by work and diligence and perseverance and planning and overcome all obstacles and stand on painful pain and heal the abyss avoids falling.

Self-motivation is the charging of positive morale and the insistence that you have the power of what others do not have and stand on it and use it as a precedent for all these operations and without it will be a failure, the fate of each plan and succeeded in the middle of the road but without it will fall.

It should be continuous self-stimulation without interruption and not a requirement to be derived from an external factor that affects you but rather you should make it from the same self and explore any promotional process programmed by yourself and make your subconscious mind programmed on the basis of success and ability to control the control panel buttons self-correct.

The most important steps that must be taken to obtain true motivation are:

Prepare yourself to sit for a few minutes and calmly and look to a bright future, and imagine the dreams that are desired in the whole body, which will stimulate the self correctly

  • Make your failure the first steps of your success, many of us at the first stage fail to fall the will to stand again and this is wrong, this should be turned to make it explore that this stage is not the right to succeed, we need to search for another step that makes our goal the right path.

If you feel a certain failure to regain your strong ambition, it may be an honor that you have received, albeit a simple, thank-you note or a commemorative picture of a specific act. You have rejoiced in it, achieved a certain happiness, or go to a site where you have left a certain impact. From others and benefited by others, all of this can be a powerful self-motivation.

  • Say words and sayings that feel you as a source of strength for you or quote from the words of scientists or wise men or philosophers have succeeded in their lives or left them a certain imprint for the sake of humanity.
  • Do not be influenced by the negative words of others, each success enemies trying to discourage, should not give them deaf ear, and teach yourself to listen carefully and intelligently without it you can not get the facts you are looking for.


  • about your goal and your tasks that you want to achieve something fun and joy and something like to be a happy journey to paint a beautiful life and so you can get the best result faster and more beautiful effect.
  • Getting the self to sit for a few minutes and quietly and look to a bright future, and imagine the dreams are desired in the whole body, which will stimulate the self properly.

The stimulus may be due to external factors that affect the self and push them to the lifeboat. However, these factors may be temporary. They may soon disappear. A large collapse of what was decreed may result in negative effects if not properly used. And if you died, your strength collapsed, your goals were destroyed, or you lost the trust of a certain person and you have the same effects.

Internal stimuli remain the source of self-motivation, which is to bring down the inner latent power by making tough decisions that lead to the impossible. One of the most important advantages of these internal stimuli: self-assurance and security and a sense of strength and self-respect. Therefore, your self-motivation is your duty, and reminds me here that "those who believe and do good deeds will make them a merciful friend." In this verse, Allaah has revealed the inner thing that faith must be accompanied by something external, The love of the people of the slave who will itself be self-motivated has a lot of profound impact on success.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also advised us in several hadeeths about this: "The strong believer loves God from the weak believer, and every good is keen on what works for you. ) If you fail or fail in something, you should not despair and be unable to rise up again with higher activity, greater ability, ambition and better experience.

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