Still Life Printmaking

in #stilllife6 years ago

printmaking poster 25th Augustjpeg.jpgOn the 25th August I am running a printmaking workshop to enable participants to turn Still Life Drawings and paintings into prints. These may be works you already have completed and would like to transform into prints or from the Still Life we will have set up on the day.
Still life is a very symbolic genre that deals with all of life's issues in an almost subconscious form.
So I will be asking all those attending to bring an item that has particular meaning for them.

The workshop will cost £60 and we will be working with collagraphs, dry-points and mono-prints.
All inks are provided but participants are asked to bring their own paper or purchase paper from the workshop.

The class will run from 10 - 4 with 40 minutes for lunch which you can bring with you or is available from shops close to the studio.

To book a place please e-mail me at [email protected] or phone 07495 365108

Jain McKay

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