Stickerchallenge - Do not touch my car !!!


Do you remember the times when the car was bought for long-term use? When choosing a particular model, it has to be thought out not in terms of its own expectations, but in the longevity and ability to pass it on to the next driver family.

Today everything has changed, and the car for years does not buy anyone. Auto must emphasize the character of the owner and adapt to his lifestyle. It depends on him whether he will put on the power of the propulsion unit or care for the environment. Will choose minimalist interior design, or luxury leather upholstery and luxury accessories.

However, as you can see, there are some drivers who love their cars in a meaningful way and they are trying to give us information what may happen as we cross the border of they proximity to their car. ;))))

Here you can check one of those man ;) Do not touch my car !!!!

I hope you have enjoyed !!!

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Copyright © 2017 by margaretwise , All Rights Reserved


sometime seriousness turn into funny!

I tried I see I made it ;))) Thank you

this is a great post sister your valuable post is very importent for me

Lol i liked the video ,He does loves his car very much ;)
Bad luck for the cyclist though ;)

Yeah , right bad luck for cyclist :( Thank you that you like my post ;))

Beautiful post my dear friend, the video is awesome. Thanks, lots of love and blessings.

Thank you my dear. SO happy to make you smile how grateful is that ;))) Blessing to you ;)

It is true, very nice thank you.

Thank you my friend ;)))

Hahahaha video is great!!!! Hello ma dear, you always have something interesting to us! Enjoy your Sunday :)))

My congratulation that you won I am very happy for you . HIP HIP HURRAY ;)))) Thank you . I am glad that you enjoyed my post. Means a lot ;)))

hehe those are really amazing ones :D

Thank you. I thought would be funny to compare two things in one ;))

Hahahha almost spit my coffee on that little video :p

OH!!! I didn't meant to :)))) Glad that you like it.

Very good friend. The video below made me laugh. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

I am glad that I could make a smile :))) Thank you

You are welcome my friend :-) :-)

very great post my friend

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