
You can cross me of your hit list :)_ That was so bizarre - and funny, especially when you attacked the man in the road.... i nearly spit my drink on the screen....

He had it coming!

There's nothing like a light breakfast of Bacon to cheer me up. Very cool indeed.

Er... you don't want to eat that. Too late? Well, you'll probably be ok.

LOL- Loved the FTG Amish mugshot at the end!!!

GREAT job! Definitely worth watching and thanks for making me smile/laugh!

Wowsa that was... Interesting!
Watching it in the dark on silent between sleeping people, haha, does it need sound?
My husband would love it, he loves making short videos.
I will be back tomorrow to watch with the sound on :)

Absolutely requires sound!

What he said ^^^

I shall watch it again first thing in the morning with speakers blasting then!

Baahahaha so much better, goodness me I must miss out on loads of great stuff with the sound always off o.O
I'm glad you are a part of the sog @allseeingewe, and I am glad I came across you, I am sure I am going to enjoy your content and comment sections :)
Take care <3

Yeah, you'll either have to get some earbuds or kick those shiftless bums out of your bed for quality latenight video viewing.

Glad to meetcha! xo

Glad to meet you too <3<3

eye squinted so hard my lung collapsed! Too concentrated!

Screen Shot 2017-01-24 at 7.10.47 PM.png

It's me incognito on Youtube I'm know as walkingaxyl the girl who walks the dead dog Axyl . I take his box of ashes around the block every night (well, not really but it sounded good)

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