What does the future hold for technological development?

in #stemng7 years ago (edited)

The world is evolving so fast that if you are to go into a coma, and wake up in the next forty years, the chances are that you may feel like a well-trained telegraph operator; lost and irrelevant in the scheme of things or feel like a computer.. Well, not the computer you imagined, but this below.

[Wikipedia]Source: Human Computers

These are people that are good in calculations and computations and are usually young women. This is 1949 pictures of NACA, present-day NASA, High Speed "Computer Room". The name computer to refer to them remained accepted until the beginning of the 20th Century.

The employees use electric calculators, slide rules to transcribe raw data sometimes sent from space. If you want to have a feel of what that era feels like I suggest you watch the biography, drama, and history movie Hidden Figures based on the life of a real human computer, Katherine Johnson.

Now, imagine you had been in a coma since 1949 and suddenly woke up today to see the real computer. That would make for a lot of catching up to do, and the skill you had previously acquired would be very obsolete.

By 2030, there is a likelihood of having more than 40% of the jobs automated, according to this publication from the Oxford University economists, Dr Carl Frey and Dr Michael Osborn on the future of employment.

That had always been the fear of most people on automation, if the concern is not hinged on killer robots which would involve a mindless killing robot of the future as depicted in this youtube clip here.

This fear and other predictions all make someone a little scared of what the future may hold.

But since predicting the future is never an exact science, can we at least take a moment and look at the past to see what people then thought of now and the technology they believe we would be enjoying?

Let's roll back the hands of time to 1900 and see what they think 2000 would be like then. A German Chocolate Company known as Hildebrand, in 1900, produced some postcards with what they believe that life would like in 2000.

[Wikipedia Public Domain]Source

This picture is a 1900 postcard from Germany, forgive the low resolution, I hope you would be more understanding seeing the postcard had survived three world wars. The artist working in 1900 decided to paint what he thinks of the year 2000.

This drawing is the police standing behind an x-ray surveillance machine. The policeman watches, pistol in hand, as the two criminals try to break the door (or safe?).

Remember this was before the invention of TV. The TV had its first successful demonstration in 1927. But the Xray was still new as it was more recent (1895) then. Well, we do have police surveillance, but most are done with these shown below:

[Wikipedia]Binoculars and Night Vision

Well, you could argue the artist was not that far off in his prediction, couldn't you?

[Wikipedia Public Domain]Source

This drawing was a depiction of life in the air. I could score the artist a 10/10 here for being spot on on the air balloon technology.

[Pixabay]Source | [Wikipedia]Source

But he was able to do that since hot air balloon had been around since 1782.

[Wikipedia Public Domain]Source

This was a drawing of personal flying machines. Most people even long before the Wright Brother's invention are fascinated with the flying machines.

[Wikipedia]Paramotor in air and Paramotor on ground

There are many types of personal flying machine that this artist would've been proud to see how true the prediction came to be.


While he envisioned warship to run on rails in 2000, he was a little off as we have ships that run underwater in the sea, in the form of a submarine capable of staying underwater for 90 days.

[Pixabay]Source: A submarine approaching a war ship with a landing strip for aircraft

That is not all; there is a warship with a landing pad for aircraft. The artist would be very much impressed with this if he were to see it.


This painting was a trip/ family vacation to the North Pole.

Well, sorry, our dear future prediction man or woman, we sincerely apologise to relay the news that the North Pole is still as uninhabitable as it was in 1900. It had been 100+ years, and it is as frozen and as unfriendly as it were during when you made that prediction.

It refused to be anything but a frozen patch of ocean.

[Wikipedia]Source: NOAA

You can take a look above, that is the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration(NOAA), Alert Nunavut, Canada. It is not such a cosy place to go for a family outing.

But this is just 82 degrees north. It is the most northerly place that has a semblance of people living there. But they are mainly scientists and military personnel running some projects.

As at 2016, they have a population of 62, which is made up of people working in rotation. It is still not the North Pole as it is situated some 817 kilometres or 508 miles from the North Pole.

Not exactly a location for a family vacation or hangout.

[Wikipedia]Source: Steam powered movable house

Agreed we now have mobile homes in the form of Recreational Vehicles (RVs) and we do move big things, like this 70,000-pound (31751 kg), large 1.2-million-gallon fuel tank.


We even move some houses when we feel like it. For instance, this Buchanon Mansion weighing 400 tons was moved in 2009. The irony of it all was that the house was built in 1883 well before the prediction. Well played.


The Buchanan Mansion, a 125-year-old brick house near Tipton that weighs more than 400 tons, started rolling down the road at 8:30 a.m. Monday, August 10, 2009, bound for its new location. The structure, being moved by Jeremy Patterson House Moving, is moving at a pace of three-quarters of a mile per hour, and is expected to reach its destination five miles down the road by nightfall.Source

But we do not go about moving homes just because we can. But hey, the prediction was accurate as we do move houses now.

Judging by how well these 100+ years prediction did, do you have fear for what the future holds regarding technological innovation and development? Do you think artificial intelligence in 100 year's time would beat human's intelligence in all ramifications?

Would advances in automation render more than half the world's population jobless? Would we soon hit our limit with technological advances and development?

Please drop your thoughts below.

Thanks for reading.


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Would advances in automation render more than half the world's population jobless?

I think when advances in automation get to the point where people's jobs are now at risk, there'd be a problem in the society.

This post has me fearing for most developing countries and underdeveloped nations as well. These countries currently are dumping sites for tech gadgets that are becoming irrelevant and since it's becoming impossible to catch up, the dumping thing won't change.

I hate to sound political, but this should be a call to Africans to begin to develop themselves to be able to align with the advances in technology and fit in with whatever way the tide blows so we wouldn't have to keep blaming the government for every problem and eventual dumping of tech..

Also, don't you think if artificial intelligence begins to replace man, there'd be a high level of unrest in the world? People who begin to lose their jobs to tech would definitely find a way to survive and that might include going rogue?

On the brighter side, the competition for tech products will increase, making tech products more affordable and also creating new jobs and a gradual shift from overdependence on archaic ways of living.. Just like how man moved from using firelamps to electric lamps..

Eventually mankind always adjusts..

We also know it will be a good and bad thing.. But we hope the odds be in our favour..

The world is so evolving.
Everything bin automated.
I know alot is gonna show up
Nice write up

I think everything has its disadvantages abd advantages. For technology somehow I feel it would relieve some areas of human labor but of course we sgould be prepared for the opposite too.

There's always that in every situation. Technology is here to make life easier.

I had to bring myself to think so because I believe that is the intent and I think everyone should see it so. Things could only get better.

Human computers of old, who woulda thought there will be a more different computer in this era? Life evolves every minute and not towing along will leave you behind forever. Nice piece.

It is all about learning to live with the change. Those who conform tend to enjoy its dividend more. Just like the blockchain is positively affecting the lives of those who embraced the needed change, even though some who are stuck in their old ways still refuses to embrace it. Thanks a lot.

These are beautiful and scary scenarios. Considering the struggles faced by most 55 to 75 year olds already face in this digital age, especially in less developed countries....the thought spending even 20 years in coma is scary.

These are some beautiful images though.

I understand you prefectly. Most still can't use the internet. Thanks

Most can't even type and send text messages... The fascinating thing is how fast things are changing with regards to technological advancement and science. Also, I read about a first bot citizen in the world last week on steemit.

With the rate at which technology is growing, I foresee a more technological advancement in many areas of life. I would literally say that we aren't seeing nothing yet.

The future would be very interesting.

This is brainstorming. One thing I like about the modern technology is that it solves literally all problems and makes life easy and beautiful.

  • Yes, it will. Just like how email has taken over postal services.
  • We may not necessarily hit our limit, cos new trend keeps evolving.

Yes I agree with you on technological development bringing an easier ways of doing things. I like that you think there's no limit to innovation. Thanks for reading.

Really interesting point about this topic. I must admit that I've learned a few new things even though I already thought I've read all about it.
Great job once again @greenrun :)

Wow. That was good to hear. Thanks a lot.

So it is going to be Robots taking over humanity like how we see in the movies. :) But there are still some great people who live the old way and not let technology take away their skill or anything. I still know many people here in India, who refuse to use any of the electronic gadgets like mobiles and computers.

The world is evolving so fast that if you are to go into a coma, and wake up in the next forty years, the chances are that you may feel like a well-trained telegraph operator; lost and irrelevant in the scheme of things or feel like a computer.

Things seems very fast now... To leave a Steembee Whatsapp group for a minute, you will come back and see 1000 messages.

Heaven is close...man

Thanks for reading.

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