Technological process for the production of sugar from the Beet // the First phase

in #stemng6 years ago (edited)
Greetings partners of the platform of "Steemit", and especially to the communities of #utopian-io for his special support to the scientific, academic articles; in this opportunity I bring to them my titled work of investigation: Technological process for the production of sugar from the Beet (Beta vulgaris l) . (The first phase the Ist), the above mentioned work of investigation was presented in the day of scientific publication of UNESUR 2017-2018, with big honor form also part of the committee of technology and innovation of the above mentioned day, with a pleasant taste as investigator of UNESUR, I want to share it as a contribution after ambience enriches more knowledge in this one.

Day of scientific publication of UNESUR 2017-2018. (photo taken and edited for @chetoblackmetal)


This project of innovation, it thinks about how to develop strategies of innovation and of academic formation, in the process of production of sugar from Beet (Beta vulgaris l) , with the target to improve the nutritive habits in the population, and offering a quality product that generates benefits in the nutrition and feeding of the locality, realizing a field investigation, to determine the aspects that affect or benefit this product alternative derivatives of the sugar. It is important to emphasize that it is a novel emprendimiento, which gives response to the scarcity of products of the basic basket, highlighting that in the South of the Lake, one relies on with the aptitude necessary to produce this one product products and that they can be do of handmade form, richly in nutrientes and vitamins directed to all the persons, children, elders, patients and athletes. Also, it is necessary to highlight that so much the human resource as material, for the making of these products, it is possible to obtain without major difficulty in the locality, being the direct beneficiaries of this project all the persons who inhabit the locality, in principal student of Unesur in and his environment, of equal way it would be the beginning, to encourage and to encourage the opening of new projects, which give responses to the needs of the village.

As measurement of giving a response.

The globalization at present affects in our environment, affecting the behavior of the consumer and his preferences, where there demonstrates the inclination of the consumption of encompassed products. This phenomenon turns out to be reflected in the Venezuelan economy, which at present it crosses for levels of inflation and scarcity of products, which destabilize the behavior of the consumer and for this reason the need arises, of analyzing strategies in the search of new alternative products, since it it is it is sweetened to depart from the beet with the target to satisfy the needs, so much in levels of nutrition and not the dependency on encompassed products.

basic Aspects.

The crystallized sugar was already an age known in Persia in the IVth century B.C. and it was coming surely from the India, where it was extracted from a wild variety of cane.

The farming of the beet develops in France and Spain during the XVth century, it was cultivated by his sheets, which probably were equivalent to the espinacas and spinach beets. From then the root gained popularity, especially that of the red variety known as beet. In 1.747, the scientific German Andreas Marggraf it demonstrated that the glazing of sweet flavor obtained of the juice of the beet was equal to those of the sugar-cane.

The sugar of beet, it is a vegetable alternative that can substitute the traditional sweetener, and it is perfect to remove the chemists of our organism, ideal for depurative diets or desintoxicantes.

Taxonomy and Morphology.

Beet (Beta vulgaris l) , it is a semi-annual plant belonging to the family Quenopodiaceae, during the first year the sugar beet develops a thick root napiforme and a roseta of sheets, during the second one, expresses a branched inflorescence in panícula, being able to reach this one up to a meter high. In the majority of I marry his development it completes to the síes months in our case for ours his conditions climatic and types of soils.

Flowers: slightly showy and hermaphrodite. The fertilization is generally crossed, because his masculine and feminine organs mature in different epochs.

Root: it is pivotante, almost completely buried, of skin yellow greenish and rough to the tact, constituting the most important part of the organ battery of reservations.
Seeds: you are adhered to the chalice and they are slightly woody.

nutritional Level of the Beet

Quantity for 100 gramos100 grams: Calories 43, entire Fats 0.2 g, greasy saturated Acids 0 g, Acid greasy poliinsaturados 0.1 g, Acid greasy monoinsaturados 0 g, Cholesterol 0 mg, Sodium 78 mg, Potassium 325 mg, Carbohydrates 10 g, food Fiber 2.8 g, Azúcares 7 g, Proteins 1.6 g, Vitamin To 33 IU, Vitamin C 4.9 mg, Calcium 16 mg, I Shoe 0.8 mg, Vitamin D 0 IU, Vitamin B6 0.1 mg, Vitamin B12 0 µg, Magnesium 23 mg.


This investigation is framed inside the quantitative approach for all that the expositions to investigate are specific and delimited from the beginning of a study field investigation, there will measure itself information related to the analysis of means applied and result of the product and by-products of the sugar from the beet, (Beta vulgaris l) . Since, to realize the analysis it is necessary to go to the place of the facts, which will allow to establish an interaction between the targets and the reality of the situation observed in the area where there will be carried out the investigation and compilation of the information.

The scientific investigation is a methodical and systematical process directed to the solution of problems or scientific questions, by means of the production of new knowledge, which constitute the solution or response to such questions.

Textual appointment: The project of investigation “ introduction to the scientific methodology ”, for Fidias g. Arias. - 2006. Page 22.

Process of Making. (photo taken and edited for @chetoblackmetal)

In this practical case of a demonstrative way a beet was used with a weight of 210 grams with a proportion of ½ l of water.

02.pngCrystallization (photo taken and edited for @chetoblackmetal)

The form of making is of handmade way, of a following dynamic way, to peel them and then to cut them in tracks, then these tracks it is necessary to activate his molecules with heat in approximately 5 minutes, we can place them in an oven or microwave, in such a way that they liberate better his syrup.

Then the tracks are processed, they are crushed for the securing of his juice or syrup, there separate the particles of fibers and vegetable cells or the residue that we have left a nepe of beet as a by-product.

he starts boiling during 45 minutes. Once boiled to strain the liquid and to lead to baking the solid remainder to 150 °C during 15 minutes. It is necessary to consider the following thing, which is necessary to expire with the space of time and control of temperature, because the following thing can happen: the warm water increases the solubility of the sugar, but it must not be too warm, because it might provoke the contraction of the surface of his crust, which can cause of the coagulation of the proteins, preventing the sugar from dissolving in the water, the synthesis of the saccharose is obtained by means of the condensation of two monosacáridos, the glucose and the fructosa, liberating a water molecule, approximately of 12 to 15 % of matter drought / content of dry matter), vaporiza in form it continues at a station of evaporation of several stages, up to obtaining a content of dry matter of 60 to 70 %.

it takes baked to stimulate the crystallization, the saccharose, which is a disacárido with molecular formula C12H22O11, allows to be rested about 8 at 10 hours. Since the crystallization is a chemical process for which from a gas, a liquid or a dissolution, the ions, atoms or molecules establish linkage up to forming a crystalline network, the basic unit of a crystal. The crystallization is used by enough frequency in chemistry to purify a solid substance.

Having like turned out the glazing of sugar, which belongs to the group of the simple carbohydrates, of the disacárido, more concretely. It is a saccharose that one finds in big quantities in these 2 plants, the sugar-cane (Saccharum officinarum l) and the beet (Beta vulgaris l) in more or less quantity in all the plants.

The saccharose, also so-called carbohydrates, glúcidos or sweeten they are organic compounds that abound in the nature. The first general classification can be the distinction between monosacáridos and polisacáridos, his composition is by means of hidroxilos (-OH) and carbonilos (aldehídos, cetonas).


Applying in the process of a handmade way, with the sample of a beet of 210 grams with a proportion of ½ l of water, from 3 to 4 obtained after 8 hours of rest an approximate quantity gr of sugar.


As soon as with the waste or residue “ Nepe of Beet ”, it is a by-product of the process, it is rich in potassiums, glucose and pathogenic, it serves cone I feed for the cattle, which provides the yield of production of milk, thanks to his nutrientes, also it serves for the feeding of pig, birds and rabbits, of such form it is possible to dehydrate and to pulverize, to turn it into flour, as protein food for these animals already mentioned. (taken photo, images of pixabay and edited for @chetoblackmetal)

Another alternative of the nepe, for his content of potassium and nitrogen, it is possible to allow to rest in a few days in a receptacle with water, serves us as fertilizer for plants. And also I could be used as base of yeast.

With the top crust, it is possible to use as sprout to return to cultiva to the beet, of such a way of activating the cycle of production.


This investigation served as base to research, on the making of sugar from the beet, as an alternative of replacement of the cane sugar of sugar, where the applied technology will be of way, that it simplifies the processes and supports the quality of the resultant product, well be handmade or technical piece of news to developing, that's why the title of this post and the first phase as demonstration and compilation of information applied during 2017 and 2018, the second faces was already to demonstrate piece of news skill of making 2018 and 2019.

Also that is a process, ecologically, does not damage the ambience, to part of the sugar we take by-product as the nepe, which serves as food for animals as the cow, which thanks for his nutritional composition is a very good food and stimulant for the production of milk, for his content vitamínico, also it serves to feed pig, hens and rabbits.

it is possible to use as base of yeast, fertilizers, and with the top crust of the beet, with the skill of the new outbreak it is possible to turn to cultivate, be afraid in which I will publish it in a next opportunity.

Greet for everything, the investigation they continue to enrich the universal knowledge, to generate idea.

bibliographical Reference.

The project of investigation “ introduction to the scientific methodology ”, for Fidias g. Arias. - 2006.

Unsweetened there is no country: the sugar industry and the Cuban economy Antonio Santamaría García - 2001.
Agribusiness and competitiveness: structure and dynamics in Colombia 2006.

The Cultívo of the Cane and the Making of the Sugar in the Provinces of Tucumán, Jumps and Jujuy (Classic Reprint) for Pablo Lavenir, 190 pages-2018.

The production. Processes. Relation between products and processes for Luis Cuatrecasas Arbós - 2012.


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