Mesjid Harun Geuchik Leumik Banda Aceh Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Masjid ini didirikan oleh Haji Harun Keuchik leumik, beliau adalah ayah dari wartawan senior, kolektor benda bersejarah, pengusaha logam mulia dan budayawan Aceh ternama . Mesjid ini sangat unik dan indah, panoramanya didominasi warna kuning keemasan. Keindahan masjid akan semakin tampak saat malam hari. Pasalnya ada sungai di seberang masjid yang memantulkan keindahan masjid. Pada siang hari, kubah masjid yang menonjol mempercantik bangunan di lahan seluas 3.500 meter. Mesjid ini berada di pinggir Krung Aceh. Mesjid ini juga menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata rohani wisatawan local, nasional bahkan internasional.
This mosque was founded by Haji Harun Keuchik leumik, he is the father of a senior journalist, historic object collector, precious metal entrepreneur and famous Acehnese culturalist. This mosque is very unique and beautiful, the panorama is dominated by golden yellow. The beauty of the mosque will be more visible at night. Because there is a river across from the mosque which reflects the beauty of the mosque. During the day, the prominent dome of the mosque beautifies the building on an area of 3,500 meters. This mosque is located on the edge of Krung Aceh. This mosque is also one of the spiritual tourism destinations for local, national and even international tourists.